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chara nari

literally means character transformation. frequently heard in shugo chara (a manga/anime. shugo chara literally meant character guardian). it happens when a person and thier shugo chara (character guardian) use 120% of thier combined power to evoke a change in apearance and ability.

chara nari: amulet heart amulet spade amulet clover amulet angel amulet devil amulet dia amulet fortune black lynx death rebel seven seas treasure lunatic charm dark jewel seraphic charm clown drop platinum royal dear baby sky jack beat jumper yamato maihime samurai soul

by ayumu February 5, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shugo Chara

It is a copy of Sailor Moon, which came out 15 years before Shugo Chara (SM- 1992, SC- 17).

Basically about some girl who transforms and fights x eggs and monsters (second season) episode after episode after episode.

The people who created this piece of junk obviously have no creativity.

Anime Executive #1: Damn, we're losing a lot of revenue due to the economic downturn.

Anime executive 2: Oh hell just copy Sailor Moon and release it under the name Shugo Chara it will sure get all the wapanese fanboys excited.

by James_91 August 10, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

chara nari

litterally means character transformation. it is frequently heard in shugo chara.

hinamori amu: my own heart unlock. chara nari : amulet spade!

by ayumu February 5, 2012

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

z-chara board hit

N.B: this definition, with no offense meant for Zdeno Chara of The Boston Bruins or anyone else on The Boston Bruins organization, is named after Zdeno Chara's now infamous (among Montreal Canadiens fans) hit on Max Pacioretty in the 2010-2011 NHL season.

in the NHL, a type of (intentional?) boarding -at an angle of course-the point of which is to (intentionally?) injure the player of the opposing team.

NHL fan forum post: Shame on you, dear Mr Gary Bettman for not having suspended Zdeno Chara for more games after his infamous z-chara board hit on Max Pacioretty.

reply to post: asking yourself the question of whether or not Zdeno Chara intentionally injured Max Pacioretty is objectively meaningless. Also Gary Bettman is not, and I repeat in vox populii NOT, part of the problem. Whether intentional or not, a z-chara board hit, IMHO, is supposed to be banned in the NHL; an NHL game is not some kind of modern Roman gladiator spectacle where injuring, maiming, and even sometimes killing, one's opponents was not only tolerated, but encouraged. We have taken the Latin concept of panem et circenses far enough a.i.

by Sexydimma August 9, 2013

Chara thilikos skilos

CHARA is a big hoe and keeps trying to hurt you and f*ck you up.She keeps changing personalities and keeps trying to f*ck up your life.You can tell that chara is a hoe before you meet her and accidentaly fall in love with her.
You are the one that is gon cut her out and she will have no idea why like she did nothing wrong.She will also do anything to make you her dog and manipulate you.

Chara thilikos skilos is a hoe and everyone knows it

by Alex graham 729 November 20, 2021

Chara Dremurr

The first fallen human of UNDERTALE. Is often either seen as the narrator or a genocidal maniac. They are genderless and are Asriel's best friend, Toriel and Asgore's child and they follow you around as you (Frisk) complete the game. They are mentioned in Asriel's boss fight, seen in the genocide Dremurrending and a pacifist ending that occurs after a genocide route.

Person 1: Who's your favourite human from Undertale?
Person 2: Chara Dremurr
Person 1: Why?
Person 2: Because Chara-

by Halo the Weirdo September 19, 2022


Chara is Beautiful, funny, and very nice! When your nice to her shes nice to you so if you want to be friends with Chara then be nice! She would always be beside you either way so be happy if you have a chara.

someone: OH MY GAWD did you hear CHARA is so funny

Chara: ThANKs

I love you chara

by beluga.potato December 14, 2021