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Ace Cinematic Universe

Quite possibly the dumbest, and greatest, cinematic universe since Marvel

"Did you see the Ace Cinematic Universe got a new character?"


by AceBanned February 1, 2022

Marvel cinematic universe

It’s a universe where earth code named Earth-199999 and has a country called sokovia

Breaking news, the avengers fucked up sokovia in the marvel cinematic universe

by Some1 @ the internet July 17, 2021

Cinematic Defecit Disorder

Cinematic Defecit Disorder, commonly known as CDD, is a unfortunate disease that continues to plague moviegoers each and every single day. It lobotomizes their tastes in film, to the point where they're beyond redemption. Please stop CDD :(

Person #1: Collateral was a kickass movie. Tom Cruise gave the performance of his career.
Person #2: Collateral sucked, it was boring. Go see Anacondas instead.
Person #1: -_-

by VGerX2001 September 3, 2004

6πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

United States Cinematic Universe

When the actions of the USA and the people within it, are so strange that it compares to a fictional country

"The United States Cinematic Universe has been jumping the shark recently"

by America is the bad place October 18, 2021

51πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pre-cinematic stress disorder

Knowing you'll end your favorite tv show soon.

I am totally experiencing pre-cinematic stress disorder. I'm only 5 episodes away from ending Breaking Bad!

by Mendeldependeliscool May 18, 2014

Hope Arkansas Cinematic Universe

A Fictional Universe made by people who call themselves "Foomers". It is much similar to our own universe except that it's populated with railroad companies that do not exist. The requirement to join said universe is to become a "foomer" and have a fictional railroad that makes sense and isn't a complete meme.

Man 1: Be careful while traveling, lets pray you end up somewhere nice like the Hope Arkansas Cinematic Universe.

Man 2: Sure bets the Auto Train Dismesion

by Angery Masshole August 31, 2021

cinematic hangover

this is the feeling when you watch a movie and you walk out and feel out of yourself, you are still in the movie. you might feel like you could fight someone or just feel really sad or deep, whatever applies.

β€œi have a cinematic hangover from the batman”

by polkadot24 March 11, 2022