The act of removing a male's foreskin. Controversial for obvious reasons. There are cons such as exposing the usually covered part of the penis to the harsh world, but there are many health benefits such as a decreased chance of getting HIV, Cervical cancer, or Siphilis.
Originally it was only used ceremonially in Jewish communities, and later in the Muslim faith. Today the practice is common in the United States as a whole, Christian, Jew, Mulsim, or whatever.
Person in locker room: Dude! What's wrong with your dick!?
Jew: I had a circumcision
Person: Ew... I heard it makes Sex not feel as good.
Jew: Well I only was uncircumcised for 8 days so I can't really say anything about that.
634đź‘Ť 346đź‘Ž
Losing your foreskin privileges.
You're now circumcised, billy.
39đź‘Ť 16đź‘Ž
Ooooooooooowwww! (from the Latin for "oooooooowwww!")
Circumcision? "Uhh...could you talk about something else? Like prison rape? Anything?" -Jim Gaffigan
240đź‘Ť 130đź‘Ž
Cutting off your foreskin to make your cock smoother
My friend Dawson is a pussy cuz he wants a circumcision
1đź‘Ť 6đź‘Ž
A procedure that makes the penis better smelling, better tasting, better looking to most women, more stimulating, and longer lasting before orgasm.
A lot of propaganda surrounds this procedure, such as "circumsized men don't enjoy sex as much" and "sex is 10 times better for uncircumcised men." This propaganda is not borne out by serious scientific research. It's main purpose is to make uncut men feel better about having to clean up after their dick cheese all the time.
My boyfriend lasts an hour inside me everytime, because he's circumcised, and loves every second of it. I love sucking on his sweet smelling and tasty dick.
1570đź‘Ť 1189đź‘Ž
A procedure done to male infants in which the foreskin is cut off. It is usually done either for religious reasons (done by Jews) or for hygiene reasons. Believe it or not, Circumcision is not cutting off the entire penis, but merely the outer layer of foreskin. Many assholes believe Jews are bad people because they do this but it has no negative effects. Pleasure in intercourse is not increased or decreased, and the ability to produce children is also not affected. What? You thought it meant you couldn't have children. Idiot, how do you think Jewish babies are born? Honestly. The only real effect that circumcision has is better hygiene and less of a chance getting varied penal diseases.
The main reason many people believe circumcision is bad is because of varied anti-Semitic reasons, as well as the fact that many men are sensitive to cutting down there.
"I'm Jewish, so I was circumcised."
"Is circumcision like cutting off a girl's nipples?"
NO, you idiot. If you cut off a girl's nipples she would have no way to nurse her children and many other health problems. The foreskin has no use but nipples do.
504đź‘Ť 368đź‘Ž
An entirely legitimate procedure done with a male child, usually at birth, that involves cutting off the excess foreskin of the penis. Those who have not been circumcised are required to pull back the foreskin over the head and clean it, if this is not done early in life (which is entirely possible due to that the United States only accomodates for circumcised men, that they never show pictures of uncircumcised penises when a child is studying Sex Ed so the uncircumcised boy doesn't know what it's supposed to look like) then the ligements in the penis will bond to the foreskin and the skin will have to be medically pulled back by anesthesizing the head and scrotum with an epidermic needle, which is equally painful, if not moreso, then having the foreskin completely cut off at birth.
The foreskin has one rewarding factor in that it increases sexual pleasure, but most uncircumcised men will never be able to experience that due to the bizarre and gross appearance of the penis (seriously, it looks like a saarlac) that will disgust the woman.
“Ah!” Sammie yelped “You think my vagina’s gross! What the hell’s the matter with your penis!?”
Jack looked down at it “I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, society!”
“Society made your penis look like a sarlac?”
“No” he pulled his foreskin over the head “It used to look like this.”
“What happened?”
“I already told you, society!”
“That still doesn’t answer my question!”
“Okay, my parents didn’t have me circumcised when I was born.”
“Why would they ever do such a thing to a young child?”
“I know, right!? Now I have to suffer for life, as opposed to the few short seconds that I would have as a child.”
“So why don’t you just get it taken care of?”
“Because it hurts.”
“So? Isn’t it better than having a penis that looks like it eats Jedi’s?”
“I suppose so, but foreskin actually increases the amount of pleasure” he shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know. I just sure as hell know that our kids are getting it cut off.”
“Damn right they are! I want the best for our children.”
“Me too, they’ll even fit in better. It’s the most important thing you can do for a child.”
*Lil' Jack Horny: Circumcision Discussion*
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