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Post Coital Spam

Enjoying a delicious Spam and chili sauce sandwich post coitus.

Stu enjoyed some post coital spam last night.

by McSassy December 31, 2010

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Post coital bliss

Fancy/Nixxi way of saying orgasm :)

Nixxi: I hope you enjoyed your morning post coital bliss my love :)

by R.A.K.A September 29, 2011

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Post Coital Tristesse

It’s when a human or an animal feels sad, depressed or just guilty efter sex

-Me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday and i just felt so sad and guilty afterwards
-oh that’s Post Coital Tristesse!

by ~The Original One~ April 23, 2019

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post-coital remorse

When you compromise either moral and/or aesthetic standards to get laid and regret your choices instantly after. Post coital remorse is the feeling that manifests itself as the voice in your head the very moment after experiencing an orgasm and expresses utter disappointment by speaking an inner dialog that can vary in severity from disgusted shame all the way to suicidal suggestion.

police say, "post-coital remorse, is believed to be the leading cause of suicide in Men who fuck fat hoes."

by Lil2'high August 16, 2022

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Post coital glow (PCG)

After coitus glow from the rush of blood to one's face. A sense of satiation after an overtly unreal orgasm(s).

Dude, the only reason she finds him hot is because of his post coital glow (PCG).

High Priestess: Jesus might be all that, but he got the post coital glow(PCG) going for him at the the *last supper*.

by nuclearcabbage September 11, 2023

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post coital mental clarity

the few minutes after an orgasm in which a man feels he sees the world with a heightened clarity; as though he can see the world as it truly is, without emotions or sexual desire to cloud his view.

during this period a man decides whether his orgasm was of a prideful, shameful, or meh nature. These judgements might result from the orgasm's assistant being a bombshell, his hand, or an ogre, respectively.

anthropology: this experience may have benefited humanity's ancestors as our ancestor who became intensely aware of his surroundings after sexual intercourse would have been in a better situation/mindset to defend himself from watching or approaching carnivores than his peer who did not feel as alert

"Shut up bitch! I'm enjoying my post coital mental clarity. thank you. would you make me a samich, please?"

"Yeah bra, in my post coital mental clarity I realized what a mistake I had made by wrestling that ogre! I wore a condom though. "

by leroach January 9, 2012

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post-coital panty raid

A term used to describe the act of a female, immediately after sex going through her partners; drawers, laundry baskets, closets and other areas (such as under the bed) in search of traces of evidence of the recent presence of another female.

As some girls and women feel guilty or insecure directly following sex, they go in search of evidence of infidelity. This is done to ease their discomfort by either confirming their suspicions and thus validate their insecurity, or disproving these suspicions which in turn eases their temporary depressions.

Jill: I puked after Brad crawled off of me...it just didn't seem right.

Jane: What Happened?

Jill: I did a post-coital panty raid...found two thongs that weren't mine...that bastard.

by urbanr0cker May 13, 2008

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