A band that makes you really think about how deep these guys really suck.
I had a best freind,
But she got ran over,
cause i forgot to put on the parking brake,
so my new best friend is you
My dog has run away
I am sad today
People think im gay
But really i go both ways
69๐ 78๐
I have yet to hear one of their songs, but I know that they, like the Foo Fighters and Incubus, help a lot of guys get laid.
I can't stand emo bands, but if I play a Dashboard Confessional song on an acoustic guitar while pretending to look sensitive, I can get ass and brag about it to my friends the next morning. Yeah!!!
75๐ 89๐
The greatest band ever formed
dashboard confessional is awesome like cheese pie ;)
54๐ 62๐
Man, why are people hating Dashboard. :| I'll backhand you all. I mean I am in love with them, but i listen to other stuff, too.
"... though the sparkle is gone your smile is in place so that everyone watching will see..."
50๐ 57๐
Quite possibly the best emo band ever!
Dude, have you heard of Dashboard Confessional? They are quite possibly the best emo band ever!
54๐ 63๐
A really good band. They may be considered "emo" but that doesn't mean they encourage people to self harm while listening to their songs. I believe they have a lyric that says "But I am cleaning up so well..."
SO maybe before you slag them off any more you should do your research.
A man who sings about his feelings is sexier than one who isn't intelligent enough to write them down and therefor disses guys who can.
Those who can't, critisize. It's called Jealousy.
36๐ 41๐