shes a great rode model to follow
blessed with great christian qualities
will fight for you because shes got common sense and wisdo
Jess Conte might be a lot smarter than you think
A man so sexual his genitals bring nations of women to moan in ecstasy at the thought of his massive throbbing cock that their panties fall off from all the moisture
lukas conte has a monster cock I bet his jizz taste like pineapples
The only correct spelling for Contes
I took part in the Contes and one first place!
Tony the Tiger, yet also the true definition of a simp
Daniel conte you’re such a simp
Cont is the Australian version of cunt.
memes___ is a huge cont
cont is the welsh word for cunt. If you get affended then you’re a cont.It is used as a greeting and such and is a non offensive abbreviation
A conservative cunt, someone who calls people libtards.
“I’d rather be a libtard than a cont.”