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container sex

Container sex is when A Person either rapes a container or the other way around

I had container sex yesterday.

by Swaggy Putin February 4, 2016

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big container

A game started in Northeast PA. You fill up a the biggest container you can find with various types of alcohol. Then, participants must chug it. The chant is "Big container, Big container. Who is going to drink from the big container. (insert name) x3 is going to drink from the big container!"

The game continues until the container is empty. It can only be played after midnight.

Big container, Big container. Who is going to drink from the big container? Nick! Nick! Nick is going to drink from the big container!

by nevernude13 July 18, 2011

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Container Child

A child that has been smuggeled into a country via a shipping container, and will do all it takes to find refuge.

I put Hayden on a container to England ealier. He is now part of the container child club.

by Yamstar November 21, 2008

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flexible container of Massengill

A polite way of saying the word, "douchebag"; it can be used in typed text or spoken.

Linda is such a flexible container of Massengill that it ain't even funny!!!
She did the most unfeminine thing in the world and plugged up all of the shitbowls at the rest stop with paper towels!

by Telephony May 4, 2013

SCP Containment Breach

Arguably the best SCP game ever to be made featuring annoying SCP's such as The peanut(SCP 173) and SCP 106.

Billy "I started playing SCP Containment Breach". Joe " wait till u get to heavy that's when shit get real".

by GitGud391 September 28, 2020

This video contains win

A meme on youtube where a user posted a video of robotnik saying pingas to the tune of kirby's gourmet music

this video contains win and moar

by mama weegee November 17, 2009

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punching the mayonnaise container

A term used to describe the means of female masturbation.

Ohh I was peeping on Megan again and caught her punching the mayonnaise container.

by DonkeyPecker November 3, 2020