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“Let’s put a convicted felon into the White House!”

“Let’s put a convicted felon into the White House!” This should be the new motto of the “Law and Order Republican Party” that continues to double down on Donald J. Trump as the Republican nominee for the 2024 American presidential elections.

During the Surrender Day Eve Republican Debates on August 23rd 2023, six out of eight Republican debaters vowed to support Trump is he were convicted of felonies.

“The Law and Order Party.”

Said this.

On a National broadcast.

With the accused defendant Donald J. Trump not even present at the debates, because he is 40 points ahead of the nearest Republican opponent.

What is wrong with this picture?

To 30% of the American electorate and six of eight people running to be “political scavengers” should Trump “fall out of the sky” in which he is currently flying — apparently nothing is wrong with this picture.

Perspective: people convicted of felonies cannot even vote in elections in many jurisdictions.

One law one people?

WTF, America!!!!!!!!

“Let’s put a convicted felon into the White House!”

by Mind Hunter the Profiler August 24, 2023

230👍 11👎

English Convict

Peoples of Caucasian descent originally from England, sent to exile to serve their sentences within the Asia Pacific region, the lowest form of life-form within a cast system

In Australia and New Zealand, there is a plethora of English Convicts residing amongst established dwellings and high-rise buildings.

by Convict hunter November 9, 2017


1. Having been declared guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge.

"He was convicted of burglary."

Why are these definitions about Convicted so wrong?

by bruhthisismyhandle September 1, 2021

Convict allies

The best FtC ending.

Convict allies is best

by just_a_togekiss November 29, 2022


Law enforcement that have sixth sense on who is to become a convict.

Look Out..... The Convict witch has our number,,,, We are busted!!!!!

by eve1 June 24, 2024

Conviction Constriction

When your banging a girl in a church and a pastor or other religious leader walks in and the girl becomes overcome with conviction and tightens up everywhere...

Mike: How was church bro?

Nick: Awesome man! Gave this chick some conviction constriction!
Mike: Praise the lord!

by Nickyp August 6, 2014

convict tan

Extensive tattoos some convicts have adopted.

"He's still got his convict tan." from the 2013 film "A Single Shot".

by MPBT Havoc December 28, 2023