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It’s a simple acronym with many different ways to interpret it. Some people say it’s “Chuckling to myself”, but others know it as Chicken Tikka Masala, a type of South Indian/ Sri-lankan food.

Person 1: Hey! Wanna go out for CTM?
Person 2: Sure!

by randompasserby6 June 17, 2019


Chat to me

Yo ctm.

by user149006 October 19, 2021


Not a gang but a brotherhood of the closet friends originated by tagobadazz and GraveyardJay

“CTM you know we da gang”
“Whole lotta CTM shit fucc u talkin bout”
Cut Throat Mafia shit bitch

by Angel6arcia April 16, 2020


Complete the mission.

The goal was make it out the trenches, not just me…But everybody that I love, so let's complete the mission” CTM22

by Sandy smokes March 19, 2024


Acronym meaning "Chuckling To Myself". Can be used in internet environments to describe the sensation of quietly laughing to a particularly amusing stimulus. While "lol" (acronym of Laughing Out Loud) is used as a filler or placeholder, and often does not equate to joy and laughter, "ctm" is used when you wish to express that odd sensation when you indeed chuckling (or any variation including snorting, giggling, or full out laughing) to yourself.

Caiti: i woke up in physics class. i dont take physics. i had a handout on my desk and everything
Dan: ctm. you need to keep your dysfunction to a minimum.

by dirtieedee March 5, 2015


Chuckle to myself seriously

Instead of LOL when you don't really lol. It's when you literally "chuckle to myself seriously"- #ctms

by Red sonya wins February 2, 2019