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size of breasts and hence size of bras, too.

Sheila needs A cups, whereas Jane needs D cups. Now guess who has the bigger boobs?

by uttam maharjan March 20, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


The action of an individual that places a men's sporting cup against their face for sexual pleasures

Did you see Judy cupping it last night with Tyrone ?

by Luckykys July 19, 2014

18๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


other names: titty lift

to place an open hand, palm up, under anothers breast. next make a come here motion, lifting the breast. being cup constitutes as the ultimate insult. you dont know what hit you.

1. Guys can only cup guys
2. Girls can cup either sex
3. guys can only cup girls in a retaliation cup

1. Painters Cup- wwhen one initiates the origonal motion of a cup and then ghoes pack down, as if painting a wall. after the act is made, the cupper screams "CAUTION! wet paint!" also if available, take a piece of tape and write wet paint on it. then place it over the breast.
2. Sneak Cup- when one is approached from behind and the person makign the cup reaches over their shoulder and cups them.
3. Shotgun Cup- When 2 people are stand across from eachother and one person does a quick 2 handed cup to both breasts. sometimes painful due to the velocity of the cup
4. Death Cup-during this cup, the victem must give in to the action, becuase there is no other insult greater. the cupper takes his whole hand, and curls his fingers. then he dives into the cuppee's breast pushing him down into the ground.

Me: "I went to cup him and all i got was rib"
John: "Who ever thought cupping could be so painful"

by Martin T. June 2, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game in which multiple lackeys drink one whole cup. The winner then boasts in his/her victory. Rules: 3, 2, 1 , CUP! Last one to CUP pours next cups

What a sick gaem of CUP!!!!!11

by CUPmaster3000 September 5, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


also reffered to as boobs, tits, titties, jugs, hooters, knockers, fun bags

jugs boobs cups

by daydaycola September 10, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

a cup

The smallest cup size for a woman's breast, the actual size of the breast does not usually exceed the size of the nipple. They are nice because they won't sag as you get older or give you stretch marks, but bad because people will make fun of you for being flat and you might not get as many boyfriends.

Dick: "Michelle's pretty, but she only has an a cup."
Regina: "That's because she's a ballerina!"

by thisismealex February 12, 2008

391๐Ÿ‘ 531๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of cupping one's hands together below one's chin and whisper-yelling the phrase "Cup, Cup, Sir Cup" over and over into one's cupped hands. As a result of completing the task correctly, one shall find that a small tea cup has appeared in the cupped hands. This small tea cup will then tell one a nursery rhyme. Such nursery rhyme shall depict a tube of crescent rolls, which inflate to make an indigo nugget. But this shall only occur, lest the task be maneuvered completely and ultimately correctly. Beware, mutations have been reported upon the first rest after said nursery rhyme.

Hey man, wanna go Cupping tonight?

by Paymasta March 21, 2013

23๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž