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dairy air

A fart that is the result of being lactose intolerant

Paco should have never ate all that ice cream because now we have to smell his dairy air.

by HardCorvallis March 3, 2016

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

dairy queen

one of the best fast-food restaurants in the world.

Let's go to Dairy Queen and get us a Hungr Buster, Oreo Blizzard, fries, and a Dilly Bar!

by Chris November 10, 2004

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dairy challenge

can be done in two ways:

1)drink a gallon of milk quickly and try and hold it down for an hour or more.

2)requires 2 or more people, drink a gallon of milk quickly at the same rate. last one to throw up wins.

whats wrong with him?

he got his ass kicked at the dairy challenge.


whos down for dairy challenge?

by Sir Joseph Price April 9, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Looking as though one eats an abundance of dairy products, either in conjunction with, or in replacement of ones regular diet. Facial features include a sallow, pale, sickly appearance often with bags under ones eyes or sagging jowls. Dairy-faced people may also have a yogurt like odor after spending an extended period of time in the sun.

Michelle: "Look at that man on the subway, he's a total dairy-face"

Marin: "A what?"

Man: (Yawns and casually reads the NY Times while slowly peeling and eating a child sized snack, known to most as string-cheese. Out of his Jansport backpack peeks a bottle of 2% milk, obviously hormone free.)

by Gimpyadventures August 20, 2013

dairy pillows

large breasts on a hot woman

"look at the size of those dairy pillows dog!!"

by sick December 15, 2003

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Dairy Frog

When your uncle or Non close relative cups your scrotum in his hand to help you fall asleep.

If i can't find a dairy frog, i dont know if ill ever be able to fall asleep..

by Chapsgalore December 8, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dairy Prince

The homosexual restaurant chain and nephew of Dairy Queen. Their food/drink items are often named after famous gays and lesbians, such as the "Ellen Melon". Their hottest dessert dish is of course, the banana split, served with small or large bananas to cater to one's liking. Jello shaped like boobs is popular among females. Employees commonly play awesome music from artists such as Village People, Gloria Gaynor and the Boys Town Gang. There's also a special "Fri-gay Movie Night", showing films such as Brokeback Mountain and various other gay ones I haven't heard of. Many places frequently get robbed.

This could also be used as slang for calling someone gay, but nobody would understand what that means.

I was walking downtown the other day and came across a Dairy Prince. As I am not gay, and didn't want to converse with the numerous Dairy Princes inside, I went to Dairy Queen instead. Upon getting home, I listened to some Pantera and watched The History of the World: Part I.

by retsaM etaN July 11, 2008

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