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Dirty Deadpool

When you're having adult tickle time with your partner (not going to use genders cos y'all get offended too easily) and ask them to stick a lollipop ring in your butt and pull it out. They proceed to lick it clean

Oh hi there, it's me Deadpool, I did a dirty Deadpool with Jessica while Morty watched

by Coco4dayz June 13, 2021

Deadpool Zombies

A Deadpool "fan" who only knows DP from pictures on the internet, the video game or because of the movie.

Believes in ever conversation the word 'Chimichanga' must be used, and whoever does not use the word is not a real DP.

Cosplays DP because he thinks this gives him a free pass to scream, push and troll others at conventions.
Does not recognize any DP outside of the funkos. (Xmen,Xforce,WeaponX)
Does not know the reason behind the love of Chimichangas.
Only knows who Vanessa is because of the movie trailer.
(This is not to be confused with Headpool who comes from the zombie universe, but if you're a zombie you probably wont get confused anyway)

A Deadpool Zombies will normally sound like this:

"Yeah...you're such a Deadpool Zombie"

"I'm not spiderman!" (jk this is legit)
"Deadpools only girlfriend is death"
"Deadpool has cancer and that's why his skin is f#!ked up"
"Deadpool can't die!"
"Deadpool is only red"
"Deadpool first came out in the wolverine movie"

by DP Magno August 27, 2015

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the deadpool effect

When, in comparison to your undersized hands, everything else feels large.

Donald Trump claims he has a big penis, but in reality, he just suffers from the deadpool effect.

by KnobsInTheGob November 24, 2016

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When you’re having sex with someone and you ejaculate into her eye (either on accident or purpose) making her eyes white like Deadpool.

Man we were getting into it and I accidentally deadpooled her dude.

by DrizzyGenius July 21, 2018

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deadpool excuse

Lying to a girl when breaking up you have cancer and that you don't want to ruin her life at your expense.

"Hey what happened to that girl you were dating?"

"I ended it using the deadpool excuse, so i got off scot free.

by lilengine April 25, 2017

Doing A Deadpool

Ejaculating into a soap dispenser

My boyfriend was doing a Deadpool, it was chaos when I found out.

by No Username Ideas Anymore February 12, 2022

Deadpooled the chat

To Deadpool the chat group is to leave a group so many times that Zucc’s Anti-bullying mechanism prevents you from being re-added resulting in an entire new chat group being set up to accommodate the individual

Mitch is such a numpty, he Deadpooled the chat group and now we have to set up a whole new one. Anyone remember who is in this JGC group?

by Jakarta Gentleman July 11, 2018