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Dichotomy Incarnate

Dichotomy Incarnate is a not well-known gothic band. But you can listen to this band's songs on Vampire Freaks. com.

Dark Nemesis
Vixen Carnivora
Defiant Majesty

Songs by Dichotomy Incarnate

by Macey L Adams April 8, 2012

Slave/Tyrant Dichotomy

The problem is...

Hym "Your solution to the 'Slave/Tyrant Dichotomy' is 'Be a harder working, better slave and be happy about it because happy hard working slaves don't commit another holocaust!' No.... No... The A.I. money is fine. I don't have to just sit here and let you steal it."

by Hym Iam May 18, 2024

Dichotomy & Duality

Melanie martinez

Melanie is the definition of dichotomy & duality (said in her song field trip)

by Melanie martini July 20, 2024

Gregorian Dichotomy

When there is an over 200lb weight difference in sex.

The 6’6 450lb black guy finally catches up and has his way with the 5’2 90lb asian boy, creating a Gregorian Dichotomy.

by Musical Interpreter March 10, 2024

False Dichotomy

It isn't a choice between trying to prove that people can overcome obstacles and blaming or complaining. That's some solipsistic bullshit you made up to absolve your self from guilt because you are probably directly responsible for something that resulted in a negative outcome. "It'S nOt Me! It'S sTrUcTuRe oF rEaLiTy!" So, you make up this imaginary rule that doesn't actually exist as a form of cosmic scapegoat. My contributions are being diminished or omitted entirely. If you're doing it to me than you're doing it to other people. It fully justifies raping and murdering your kids. You can kill all of the rapists and pedophiles you want, it isn't going to un-rape or unkill those kids. And then you can give THAT SPEECH... To THAT molested person. And it will do just as much as for them as it does to explain how reality works. NOTHING. Imaginary bullshit to preserve your solipsistic sphere. And it won't matter how successful they are. Look at the guy from Lincoln Park. Look at Kurt Cobain. It doesn't matter how successful people are. You are either ameliorating suffering or you are exacerbating suffering. You don't get to pick and choose... Because I can always just defer mine to someone else.

That's ACTUALLY all sucess IS! Deferring suffering! THAT ALL IT IS! THAT'S WHY PEOPLE HATE YOU! It isn't 'JeAlOuSy' they aren't mad that you're just so cool and special too much better than everyone. You're using other people to elevate yourself. Taking full credit. And then defering all of your suffering of onto the rest of the world. Because the system isn't designed for everyone to succeed. It's designed for you to be the special better than everyone guy. And everyone else to be fine.

Hym "That's a false dichotomy Chris... Because you can always just stab a kid" 🤷

by Hym Iam January 2, 2024