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Fucking dick

The best reaction to any situation. Ever.

Dude: Hey man..... I think I broke your car door.....
Me: Fucking DICK!

Dude: Hey man, what's up?
Me: Oh huh what?
Dude: Don't you remeber me?
Me:..... Fucking dick?

Dude: I hate life
Me: Fucking dick!

Ice Cream Man: That'll be 3 dollars
Me: Fucking DICK!

You After Reading This Shitty Definition: Fucking DICK!

by Dr. Crowley November 9, 2009

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fuck dicks

expression; often used after feelings of excitement or anguish

eg 1: fuck dicks Milton! Thats a large ghoststbusters t shirt, where did you get that from?

eg 2:"meine shloss hat eine grosse leak"
"fuch dickshlongenrr!"
"iich bin bien, mein unklewinkel gerfixt es"
"fuch dickschlongenerr, danke mein bestes beefjerky" ...said Barry to his sister

by weblin September 5, 2008

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a term used to refer to an asshole or someone who royally fucked up

1. Yo thats MY beer you FUCK-DICK!

by N Bizzle and D Sizzle May 16, 2004

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short dick bitch fuck

An insulting term used in exteme cases. Like when someone REALLy needs to be taught a lesson on how to cuss someone out

Person one: You suck.
Person two: You short dick bitch fuck! I will take away your manhood!
Person one: Alrighty then

by heartsluv January 16, 2010

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dick faced fucking cunt

something to shout at someone when they seriously piss you off that much that all you want to do is curse there whole being. also see "titty arse faced cunt"

James Colston, you are a dick faced fucking cunt!!

by Anonymous April 8, 2003

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1. A person who embodies and defines what it means to be the epitome of a fucking dumb fuck, multiplied by 2. An extreme variation of dumb fuck. Usually such people are so stupid they can piss anyone off like a fire hose aimed at a fly.

2. A person who is dumb enough to have sex, (especially in a threesome including two guys, or rather two dicks hence the term "double-dick") with people who they know have more STDs than a town brothel... so many STDs in fact that they got rejected by all the pimps in town when applied for jobs as hookers.


1. Double-Dick-Dumb-Fucks

2. Double-Dick-Dumb-Fuckers

Other variations:
1. Double-Dick-Dumb-Fucking
2. Double-Dick-Dumb-Fucker
3. Double-Dick-Dumb-Fucking-Fucker

1. "Urrrgggggh!!!! I don't get how that double-dick-dumb-fuck doesn't understand that $5 is the same as $4.99"

2. "Those Starbucksters are a bunch of double-dick-dumb fucks"

3. "Go back to kindergarten you 40 year old, double-dick-dumb-fucker!!"

4. "Yeah, that was a double-dick-dumb-fucking idea to go to that orgy in Harlem last night... now I know I have STDs"

5. Bob: "Where were you last night Jim?"

Jim: "Participating in a double-dick-dumb-fuck with John and Jezabell who both have obvious genital warts"

Bob: "YOU DOUBLE-DICK-DUMB-FUCKING-FUCKER!!! Now YOU have them. Didn't you have sex ed at your school? you shit brained double-dick-dumb-fucking drop out"

by Jackette55 November 30, 2009

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double-dick face-fuck

A double-dick face-fuck is a sexual activity that three guys can engage in. Two guys face-fuck another dude with their dicks in his mouth at the same time and try to have cumgasms so they can feel each other's cumshots.

I got double-dick face-fucked in the cadet showers this morning!

by USAF Cadet July 27, 2021

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