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Dimp Clit

A short faggot
Looks rather manly!
Someone who does not act their age

HAHA shes such a Dimp Clit i'd like to take a dump on her

by Jimmy90872 April 27, 2009

2👍 6👎


Someone who is not the full shilling, vapid.

She can't help it, she's a bit dimp.

by Nahadoth August 19, 2014


its like simp but twice
can be applied to simps too

-look at that guy over there, he bought his online girflriend 3 houses and 2 cars
-yas, he is such a dimp

by noturavarageconsumer March 12, 2021


This is the pinnacle of humour, the true most succulent joke in the entire world. it is impossible to read and not crack a smile. this saying, the anger of god dimp.

Person 1: "Why is dimp?"

Person 2: "A child"

by DeleriumNautilus September 14, 2021


Someone that lays in the same bed as a woman they are interested in but does not do anything sexual.

I heard Conner was dimping in bed with a chick last night.

by July 24, 2024


Dimp a limp dick or cock .

I pulled down her pants and she had a dimp .

by TANAZE July 7, 2020


A man who is in a relationship but still watches porn or hentai

Person 1:I have a girlfriend but I still watch porn
Person 2:you dimp

by Ndhxhwhshsnwjska April 2, 2020