Source Code

Disposal expert

Someone who is great at removing incriminating evidence

Anton calling Leroy
Leroy: "What up Fool?"
Anton: "Hey I need a "Disposal Expert", I got a problem and its a fucking huge one."
Leroy: "I'll call "him" up."

by RaiRaijinn December 16, 2016

Disposable ting

A disposable ting Is a girl who Has sex with alot of men and who Is not wifey material, other words beat and delete

Katie β€œJosh your an idiot ?”
Josh β€œ and your a disposable ting lowe It fam”

by Unknwn99 May 2, 2020

Garbage Disposals

Also known as friends when you don't like some sort of food.

i don't have friends, i have garbage disposals.

by Missing Puzzle Piece February 25, 2017

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Disposable Douche

A co-worker who is a douche and is also so completely useless that they are considered disposable.

That Brett guy is always so Jolly, but he's a Disposable Douche

by ohio sailor January 15, 2009

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Disposable Cumrag

A female that you can fuck, jizz on or in (See also: Cum Dumpster), and toss her to the side because she meant nothing more than for you to bust your load.

"When I was done, I treated her like the disposable cumrag she is and told her to get the fuck out.

by Southern Fire April 18, 2011

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Garbage Disposal

This is were you open the vagina of a special lady and vomit into the cunt. It works best if the donor has their lips sealed on the pussy.

Dude I was licking her pussy and I was so drunk…I totally did a garbage disposal…I think she was too drunk to tell…

by JHD May 16, 2006

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disposable camera

The disposable or single-use camera is a simple box camera sold with a roll of film installed, meant to be used once. Most use focus free lenses. Some are equipped with an integrated flash unit, and there are even water proof versions for underwater photography. Internally, the cameras use a 135 film or an APS cartridge. While some disposables contain an actual cartridge as used for loading normal, reusable cameras, others just have the film wound internally on an open spool. The whole camera is handed in for processing. Some of the cameras are recycled, i.e. refilled with film and resold.

I receive from store a "disposable camera" for free after I bought 3 bottles of beer.

by Cristi June 17, 2006

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