Source Code

untitled document

1. A document that doesn't have a name or a title
2. The default document name for Google Docs

How many untitled document files have you created?

by memecatdiscord October 9, 2020

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Documenting our culture

To add slang, phrases and sayings to www.urbandictionary.com to let people know what you thought and talked about at one time.

Leave me alone, I'm documenting our culture.

by Joe Iron February 1, 2008

write a document

V. To take a shit. Or to write an actual document.

"dude that it didn't take any time to write a document at all. Plus it was watery and explosive..."

by ddizzletellevizzle March 10, 2007

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Blank Word Documenting

When one tries to mask porn viewing by opening a blank Microsoft word document.

I totally caught Kelby blank word documenting.

by M.T.L. April 21, 2009

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Livermorian Documentation

The non existant documentation of a half witted tech that causes nothing but agrovation for anyone trying to backtrack his "work" (see Livermored)

Fuck, these mx records go all over the place, where's the documentation ?

by MiggyMan March 24, 2005

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Side Scrolling Documents

Video games. When you're in the office playing games, you refer to games as "side scrolling documents" as to give the appearance you are working on official work documents.

"Dude, I'm on page 56 (level 56) on this side scrolling document." "Have you seen my latest side scrolling documents?"

by Aimbotfriend November 19, 2011

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strictly documents

A statment and/or comment which was personally approved by justins lawyer. For a document to be strict it must be
A. make fun of queers
B. be laughing at someone that is a goon
C. talking about kikes
D. any assinine shit that we make up

Maglio: Man, Wattson that cunt on water is pure fucking filth.

Wattson: Documents?

Maglio: Strictly fuckin documents!

by beep bop July 18, 2004

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