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I don't care to do that

West Virginia saying, meaning what, anywhere else, would be, "I'd be happy to do that."

When asked to fix dinner, Sam stated, "I don't care to do that." and began fixing dinner.

by WV transplant February 25, 2012

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I don't want to do my work syndrome. (IDWTDMWS)

1) Often occurs when trying to study or do any work.

2) Often confused with ADHD.
3) Can happen mid-sentence.
4) Power and symptoms often underestimated.

1) You don't stay focused when studying. I'm pretty sure you you have "I don't want to do my work syndrome." or commonly known as IDWTDMWS.
2) You: Doc. I think I have ADHD. I mean I can't focus when I'm working or studying.

Docter: No, you must have IDWTDMWS, or I don't want to do my work syndrome.
3) You writing: Billy is almost.......

You talking: What was that thing I was going to watch?
4) Your working one minute then get distracted and the next thing you know its been 5 hours since you did the thing you

were supposed to be doing.

I don't want to do my work syndrome. (IDWTDMWS) is a very serious thin, don't underestimate it.

by Invisible Bobby June 25, 2020

don't do that

A threatening admonishment, directed at an adversary, that the "that" in question will turn an argument physical.

don't do that.

by TravDaMav September 18, 2021

Why don't I do something about it?

Oh? Am I not saving you fast enough? Maybe I'll get around to it in, like, 5 years or so...

Hym "Me? Oh, nobody. Just a meta/hypertext writing genius who has been made into a literal archetypal figure (the intimations of which range from stioc, monomaniacal hero to narcissistic superman). I may or may not have convinced the world's most famous atheist that the creature is real and I made the world's most famous clinician into several anime characters in his peripheral association to me. If you're trying to punish me for this then I'm at least Plato-adjacent (the poison is just a slower acting one). I would say that it's working pretty well, I mean, nobody's gotten raped or murdered by me yet. So that's pretty good... And why don't I do something about it?... You want me to fix the inherent corruption of man?.... Because... it's not the church that is the problem. It's the constrained malevolence that resides in the hearts of all men... And I can't even get you flesh-sacks to give me the credit that I'm due. Let alone get them to stop being evil filth-monkey abominations." 🤷

by Hym Iam July 20, 2022

Don't do it

No. Go fuck yourself. I'm going to save a list of you names in my phone for when the police find it.

Hym "What? 'Don't do it?' You clearly do not want that. I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU STEAL EVERYTHING FROM ME!"

by Hym Iam July 27, 2024


No it isn't Jordan! No it isn't! This is You trying to reframe what constitutes belief to justify taking all of that Christian money. To believe in THE CHRISTIAN GOD is to believe that THE THINGS IN THE BOOK DID, ARE, AND WILL HAPPEN, Jordan. Is the Christian God THERE Jordan. Is it THERE and does it have the attributes it is depicted to have in the bible OR.... OR... IS IT NOT THERE, Jordan? Is that A THING THAT YOU THINK? DO YOU THINK THAT THE CREATURE IS THERE? IS THAT A THING YOU THINK OR DO YOU NOT THINK THAT? ARE YOU A BOY OR ARE YOU A GIRL, JORDAN?

Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Belief in God is WHATEVER I DO AND NOT THE THING I DON'T DO! Ok!? So if I don't actually believe in God, then, actually believing in God isn't actually believing in God, OK!? Believing in God is something else entirely! Now... Ok!? You can't just ACTUALLY BELIEVE that God is THERE... You gotta... You gotta, like, grapple with the IDEA that it MIGHT be there! And then you gotta interpret the book so that WHATEVER YOU DO... Is doing the Book! Even if you contradict yourself AND THE BOOK! Right!? See, God (and by extension all higher-order abstractions) is whatever I need to do be, moment to moment, for me to maintain a certain level of moral superiority. So, maturity? Whatever I need it to be, moment to moment. Belief? Whatever I need it to be, moment to moment? God? You got it! Whatever I need it to be, moment to moment."

by Hym Iam May 22, 2024

Don't do Ket in a Crackhouse

Similar to "don't bring a knife to a gunfight". The act of doing "ket" in a crackhouse is sure to get you properly fucked up. Crackheads don't put up with ket monsters when they're in the crackhouse

Hugh: Oi tom what are you doing this weekend?

Tom: I'm taking my bitch and we're gonna fuck in a gay nightclub

Hugh: Careful Tom "Don't do Ket in a Crackhouse" you'll get fucked up.

by mogacco505 June 17, 2019