Apex Esports is one of the most shittiest clubs in the world. It has people who are beyond complete assholes such as Destroyer or Mewtoo I would recommended to never interact with these people ever.
This woj guy is such an Apex Esports bro
Apex esports for the win 🤓
Best Fwd Assault NA clan, also known as iDz on Bullet Force is the reason why Supremity 1 changed their name to Product and they still are losing to Onyx. Truse gotta step up his game, bro calls Hapless hacker while going 11-18 in scrim.
Product is scared of Onyx eSports.
"New into the eSports field, eager to give it our best!"
eSports organization founded on the 17th of January 2018 by Arancii and Gallons , debuted in the CS:GO stage as an italian indie competitive team.
AntartiK is now hiring new member to kickstart a new and better eSports team in games such as CS:GO, Rocket League, Overwatch, Fortnite.
You can contact AntartiK eSports by joining their discord server : discord .gg/rRExHjS
or following their respective account on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
AntartiK eSports has a great potential in the eSports community!
perhaps the wors-t team to ever touch the game “Critical Ops” as they have a pro igl named Dom. they have won a couple tournaments and lost 10x more. they rely on subs such as Damage, Tickle and others, they are not worth joining
Tamales eSports is a pro gaymer team
A team of 5 CSGO players who do dumb shit
“Oh look that’s Nin Hendran ESports who won MLG Haralur”
Esporting or e-sporting is a term that is similar to tryharding but in Fivem Roleplay. Esporting is when you take a roleplay scenario too seriously; treating a fun time as if you were winning a echampion grand final.
Cop: Bro, why are you using every rat spot in this police chase?
Criminal: I only did the airport jump, you just got to be better...
Cop: You are esporting, you're literally not roleplaying
When you are eliminated from a PUBG tournament in the 1st round of competition, yet still have a large ego-persona to safeguard how dog-shit you are.
Bro, those guys just talked shit after 4v1'ing me... That's a Rise Esports Moment.