Source Code

European Extreme

A difficulty level that first appeared on the European release of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of liberty, which was released several months after the other versions.

Basically, it's a step-up from the previous hardest difficulty, and reserved for hard-core gamers and/or people with too much time on their hands.

A: I finally did it! I cleared MGS2 on European Extreme!
B: A month well spent.

by dkaksl September 20, 2011

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Extreme Teabagging

An extreme variation on the more well known and widely practiced (in America) act of Teabagging.

The act of placing ones testicles, balls, scrotum etc. in the mouth or face of someone who is convulsing from tourettes, or a seizure/palsy episode. Particularly 'extreme' in the case of a victim who is experiencing an involuntary and intermittent bite reflex.

Not to be confused with the more commonplace Iirrumatio.

Example: Dipping your sack into the mouth of someone having an epileptic seizure.

"Dude, you were Extreme Teabagging that twitching fuck!"

by SlamminRumJoe/ARobotMadeOfMeat September 19, 2008

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extreme slap

when someone unleashes their HULK-STRENGTH and slaps you so fast it almost breaks your neck and its recommended that you go to a hospital within 4 hours or risk your spine collapsing.

guy 2: uuhhh no, extreme slap

by Dommy Tappers April 11, 2010

Extreme Demon

A difficult platforming challenge that brings the bearer great pain until they manage to beat it. Then it feels gooooooood

I just beat my first Extreme Demon!

by Mrjamesgaming November 9, 2017

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Extreme Dispatcher

Emergency Dispatcher with remarkable ability to forsee the needs of their field units and provide all angles of support to ensure the safest and most infomed outcome to the incident. These Dispatchers absorb stress easily and return with hardcore commitment to getting the job done with the least amount of investigation. Only the most Extreme Dispatchers use every available resource to relieve field units of distraction from the events unfolding before them. Technically savy and street smart they have insight .from hard lessons learned from mistakes in the past They overcome every obstacle placed before them making split decisons on anything from traffic cones to armed disturbances. Perceived by many as civilians, button pushers and clerical workers they type like their hands are on fire , converse calmly, desiminate and take dictation while admist the worst situations. On the job training upholds most of their innate capabilities but the real core of thier ability is their ever giving hearts.

Emergency calls come in through the 911 system for a mass injury vehicle accident on a major highway system requiring all resources of Police, Fire and EMS services and support from surrounding agencies. Hundreds of phone calls reviewed in split seconds for content, priority and accuracy. The Extreme Dispatcher handles all aspects of the call working in teams and groups until the last patient and the last vehicle is cleared from the scene and all field units are safetly in stations.

by Whisper911 February 3, 2010

extreme logging

This is where you're forced to take a shit (drop a log) in the woods while hiking/camping and the sapling you're holding on to, while squatting,snaps and you roll backwards into your own crap.

We called the camping trip off after my extreme logging mishap.The stink and green flies were just unbearable.

by wolfbait51 April 28, 2011

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Extreme Metal

Any form of metal that goes beyond heavy metal in terms of extremity--black metal, death metal, grindcore are the most commonly used, though thrash (primiarly that from the 1980's) can be included as well. This also includes hybrid genres, such as dark metal, death grind, death thrash, goregrind, etc.

Morbid Angel is one of the most popular extreme metal bands today.

by Goatlord April 30, 2003

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