That crazy ex-girlfriend that won't go away.
I can't get rid of her, she won't go away. She's psycho Fido
How your four-legged waggy-tailed buddy measures up when viewed by da likes of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
I made sure to properly train Rover in basic things like housebreaking and not chewing up things or maikng a mess with shaken water or jumping up on people, and so hopefully he should be fine if any doubtful landlords check his FIDO score when deciding whether he and I can move into an apartment.
The theological doctrine that all dogs go to heaven.
Dominic: Been feeling kinda down lately; my dog passed away.
Roger: It’s ok. The doctrine of Sola Fido states that all dogs go to heaven.
Moment experienced during love making when you look up from your partner and into the eyes of a household pet. Can be accidental or intentional.
So I was doing this girl the other night and there was a peeping fido on the edge of the bed.