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Fisherman's Mouth

A mythological disease guaranteed to get you out of any event you don't want to go to. Often used by males to get out of their girlfriend's lameass plans.

Originated from Penny Arcade.

Girl: "So are you ready to go spend the day at the farmer's market?

Boy: "Sorry, I got a terrible case of Fisherman's Mouth. Seriously, you don't want this shit."

by ThePunkRockJester August 25, 2008

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supreme fisherman

Someone who masterbates frequently. Heavy play on the word masterbate = master bait or master baitor (one who baits hooks, thus giving the person title of supreme fisherman).

I swear John never comes out of his room when mom and dad are gone, he's a f*cking supreme fisherman I tell you what"

by BlessROK April 6, 2005

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fisherman's tuck

A way of concealing an erection by pulling the penis up and tucking it into the waistband of the trousers, then letting the shirt hang over the top to conceal the tip of the penis poking out above the trousers.

That guy over there just used the old fisherman's tuck to hide himself.

by Maelin August 9, 2003

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fisherman's grip

To finger a member of the female species.

I hooked up with that girl I met, gave her a fisherman's grip.

by Raniator August 23, 2007

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Stinky Fisherman

While banging the victim from behind, or doggystyle, you stick one of your fingers in their ass, getting some doo-doo butter on there, then reach up and give the victim a fish-hook in the mouth.

James' girlfriend wouldnt let him stick it in her ass so he gave that bitch a stinky fisherman

by JT Thomas January 27, 2008

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Fisherman Splatter

A play on the traditional Red Lobster seafood dish, the "Fishermans Platter," it occurs when a man takes his used, post-coitus condom and smacks his partner across the face with it, essentially "splattering" his ejaculatory fluids all over said partners face.

Jackie was disappointed that Justin gave her a Fisherman Splatter after they made sweet love down by the fire.

by Mathias Orion June 8, 2006

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marmite fisherman

1. n. A homosexual; a 'poo pipe plumber' or 'nonce'. 2. n. A model of a fisherman, made out of marmite.

"That Grant Bovey is blatantly a marmite fisherman - mind you, with an annoying bitch of a wife like that it's hardly surprising"

by toaototoato June 19, 2003

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