In the course of human events, there have been many missteps in pursuance of wealth and glory. However, none is more comical than on December 22nd, 2017 (Yen Day), when Raymond DeSimone made a bold move at the currency exchange. He exchanged five US dollars for yen certain that he would automatically make money back. In reality the value of the yen dramatically decreased soon after this transaction and this event is referred to as DeSimone’s Folly.
You haven't heard about DeSimone's Folly from 2017?
A man who enjoys cheerleading, and is very outgoing. Usually asks you to drink on a weekday, and avoids going to class at all costs. Claims to be good with his fingers
Guy 1: Is that Matt Follis
Guy 2: Holy shit, he’s drunk at 11am?
Guy 3: Classic Matt Folli
When your boxing someone in an old, abandoned warehouse then all of a sudden the ref slams a whopper on the arena floor, and John Cena comes plummeting towards the ground from the roof and slaps you in the face, then yells, "You just got Folly Wopped!"
I just got Folly Wopped yesterday at the boxing arena.
A two word term used to describe the foolishness in both typos and the spedecial errors in one certain person's life... You know who you are!
(Commonly used through out common wealth of Pennsylvania)
Person 1: Help, the URL isn't working!
Person 2: You spelled follis musem, not fossil museum... You... How!??... UGHHGHGHH.
Person 3: This is follis musem in it's purest of forms.
Description of Einstein's theory of relativity's one limitation in which special relativity is unable to apprehend compositive light and general relativity is unable to measure the distance between any two photons in a single line.
Einstein's Folly states that general relativity is unable to measure the distance between any two trienes or Riemann time-series in a Riemann function.