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wet food stamp

Being treated like an utter pice of scum useless to others being of no use to anyone and not being worthy of life

Yeah man, my boss is treating my like wet food stamp

by @nahbrothatsallyou is the gram September 11, 2019

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Food stamp poisoning

The visible physical effects of the poor food choices induced by the often humble socioeconomic backgrounds of food stamp recipients and enhanced by the relatively lower cost and higher availability of high carbohydrate – low nutritional value food items when compared to higher quality foods. These physical effects are typically manifested in the form of high body math index (BMI) and apparent low physical fitness, as indicated by a slow unsteady walk, loud breathing, and poor dental health. These physical effects frequently appear to be accompanied by ill temper, a lack of ambition, and an unexplained desire to wear over-sized worn-out t-shirts.

β€œLook at those big people shuffling to the car with the groceries. Can’t make it up the steps with those big bags of chips and soda pop. Must be food stamp poisoning.”

by ewobbel June 23, 2011

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Food Stamp Privilege

When you get so much free shit that you can almost live off of it. You also might be making a great amount of money just by abusing food stamp privilege.

I just saved $1000 just by taking advantage of the Walmart coupons my heroine dealer gave me! #Food Stamp Privilege #howtobuyahouse.

by TeamToxicity February 13, 2018

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food stamp lady

caseworker, welfare worker, social worker

"Are you you going to see your food stamp lady?" Markishia said.

by Bruce Citron October 1, 2009

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food stamp poisoning

The physical effects of the poor food choices induced by the often humble socioeconomic backgrounds of food stamp recipients and enhanced by the relatively lower cost and higher availability of high carbohydrate – low nutritional value food items when compared to higher quality foods. These physical effects are typically manifested in the form of high body math index (BMI) and apparent low physical fitness, as indicated by a slow unsteady walk, loud breathing, and poor dental health. These physical effects frequently appear to be accompanied by ill temper, a lack of ambition, and an unexplained desire to wear over-sized worn-out t-shirts.

Typical case of food stamp poisoning:
β€œHelp your Momma bring in them groceries, Young Ones. I hear her huffing up the walk. You know she can't make it up them porch steps with them big bags of chips and soda pop she done got us for supper.”

by ewobbel May 30, 2011

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Food Stamp Tramp

(1) A sexually active woman on food stamps WIC or some other public assistance
(2) A homeless woman who will trade sex for food
(3) A woman who will have multiple children just to get access to public assistance

In the projects ghettos and hoods of Washington DC I would trade my EBT card to get some pussy from these food stamp tramps every 1st and 15th

by EmJayee October 4, 2017

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food stamp turn around

A move often made by those who are using EBT/food stamps but do not really need them. The person goes to a store and pays for all of their food with the food stamps. After walking away from the check-out lane, and possibly even going out to the car and putting the groceries away, they return and make some comment about having forgotten something. Then they go get their cigarettes and cases of beer. If possible, they enter a different check-out lane than before, hoping nobody will notice that they just used food stamps but now have plenty of cash for alcohol and tobacco.

Cashier #1: How many cases of beer did that woman buy?
Cashier #2: Ten.
Cashier #1: Wow. She must have spent more money than she did on food when she was in my lane just now.
Cashier #2: Did she pay with food stamps?
Cashier #1: Yeah, why?
Cashier #2: She came to my lane so you wouldn't see how much cash she has to spend on beer. Food stamp turn around.

by CoyoteFoxWolf October 7, 2013

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