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An amazing word that can sum up almost any bad situation in a single syllable.

A bad grade.

Sam: Urgh, my girlfriend just broke up with me.
Soph: Fail!

I hope I don't get an F on the test.

by I'mAnonymous February 19, 2008

455πŸ‘ 390πŸ‘Ž


1: To not achieve one's goals.
2: To recieve a grade of less than 60/100 on a test.
3: A word which has become an instant giveaway for stupid teenage fucks who think they are clever because they say things like "EPIC FAIL" or "YOU FAIL". Originally, these and other stupid phrases incorporating the word "fail" were given birth within internet cesspots such as 4chan, but they have rapidly found acceptance among the adolescent population as the new, cool thing to say.
It is likely to become another pseudo-intellectual word popularized by the internet- further examples including words such as existentialism.

1: I wanted to fuck her in the ass, but even after I said that she'd do it if she really loved me, she said no. I failed.

2: At the DMV I scored a 15/100 on the Alcohol and Substance Abuse test. Suffice to say, I failed.

3: "You've never seen Donnie Darko? YOU FAIL."
"You don't like Napolean Dynamite? YOU FAIL."
"You think My Chemical Romance sucks the fucking sack?
"My mom made me clean my room? FAIL."
"Eat my brocolli and carrots? I DON'T WANT TO. YOU AND

by LicensesToStone November 18, 2007

311πŸ‘ 273πŸ‘Ž


to completely suck at something

e.g. any student with a fail name such Jason Dusty
getting 3/120 in a maths tested

by Jason Dusty September 13, 2010

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A word that has become just as overused as the word "random." It originally meant "lack of success" but over-use of the term has caused it to loose meaning.

Stop using the word "fail"! It's not cool, it's not funny, and it's not original.

by perry hamilton February 9, 2010

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


What internet morons say when they lose a moronic internet argument.

"The Earth revolves around the Sun."




by Tony Dancing December 11, 2008

65πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


1)a: describing any noun or event as having failed; b: the state of being a failure.

2)An internet meme that has become more commonplace in "RL" amongst those of the video game/internet culture.

The use of fail and its amusement are derived from video games out of the common "game over" screens or "mission failure" notifications. Often this is used in redundancy to create a sense of irony: Fail ____ is fail: in which case any noun is thus being identified by the adjective and described by it.

-"God that tank in VOA sucked ass..."
-"Fail DK is fail!"

by sleepingwraith March 12, 2010

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Failing at life. Being a noob.Posting the worst thread ever

Allonewordwrote commited a massive fail
when he wrote;

Corinthians Football Club
Sao Paolo


Dear Corinthians

My name is Chip Debawl, and I come from a place in the United States called St. Paul, Minnesota. I love soccer so much. It’s much better than those looser jock sports like Football and Hockey.

Anyways, I love you guys at soccer. I think you are really neat.

I would like to give you guys a chance to draft me for next season. My soccer skills are really awesome.

If you could call me on Klondike 4729, that would be super.

Yours sincerely


by alloneword January 7, 2009