a normal person who is surrounded by mass media and audience
that guy on the tv is a total fuckwad
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The term of art for some shithead, when you can't flash a picture of Barak Obama.
Howard Dean gives that fuckwad Obama a run for the taxpayers' money. I blame Bush!
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Definition 1 An offensive term used to describe people who play Dungeons And Dragons
Definition 2 A word you use to make fun of Dungeons And Dragons
Uh look at those fuckwads and faggots playing Fuckwads And Faggots
The Greatest Rapper to ever live
Mcgiffin Fuckwad kill her entire family
In·ter·net Fuck·wad Syn·drome,
An Internet disorder where the patient, while acting under the anonymity of an Internet identity, proceeds to act in a manor both disparaging and embarrassing if said individual were to conduct himself in such a way in RL.
The pathology of this disorder stems from the intoxicating effect of freedom from repercussion when violating societal values and morals anonymity can provide. With no perceived penalty for prepubescent, immature behaviour, weaker individuals lose all inhibition, and proceed to mindlessly annoy, harass, abuse, and assault their peers whilst online.
The pathology is succinctly described through John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (Penny Arcade; "Green Blackboards (And Other Anomalies)"; 2004/03/19)
Symptoms include, but are not limited to:
·Posting irreverent, shallow criticisms or comments on YouTube;
·Arguing with an admin on any site;
·Liberally using racial slurs;
·Backing up the use of racial slurs with equally racist rationalizations;
·Creating and distributing Spam; and
·Being a minor on the Internet.
Treatment requires an immediate intervention and disconnection from any Internet feed, as this is the sole vector of Internet pathogens, including text forms, and send buttons.
Abbreviated by the initialism (IFS), and also known as Anonymous Asshat Syndrome (AAS)
Dude, I was watching a pretty awesome video online, and some asshat has to comment, "this is the greatest piece of shite since your mother brought you into this world". What an asshole; if he/she flew their mouth off like that in the real world, they would be eating people's fists regularly. I pity these losers; they suffer from Internet Fuckwad Syndrome.
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Mark Summer: I've just been informed that some people find the term "anti-vaxxer" to be offensive. From now on I will use the more technically accurate term of "Child-Murdering Fuckwad"
Bob: Oh look it's an "anti-vaxxer" mourning her dead children, and oh look the fathers signing the divorce sheats and the ghosts of the children are clapping on the father for trying to get over his retarded wife
Jim: Woah don't you know "anti-vaxxer" is offensive
Bob: Wot
Jim: The more accurate term is "Child-Murdering Fuckwad"
Retarded Anti Vaxxer Mom: A wot
Bob: I think she is having a stroke
Jim: I mean I don't care, at all
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Normal Person+Anonymity+Audience=Total Fuckwad
the theory that people act like jerks because they want attention and can't be caught.
originated from Penny-Arcade
That troll is proof of the "Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory"
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