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Gang Stalking

The govt uses gang members as a way of disempowering citizens for political/racial reasons. These ppl get paid to do dirt and are handed success as a favor. That's why society is mostly fake. It is a nepotism community pretending to be community policing. The only reason I've posted this is because they like to throttle the popularity of people on social media who are not part of the "dumb and dirty" bunch. Because I refused to date hookers and be part of their "crowd," I was hated on. They've all been coached to make you stupid so they can exploit you. They don't want intellectuals or independent thinkers having too much influence.

So and so was targeted by a government sponsored gang. They were Gang Stalking this dude because because he had privately learned past women had became insanely jealous of him, and they both didn't want him to have this kind of power over women. So they exchanged bribes and favors.

by Deeessvee May 17, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gang Stalking

It's for profit and they have many ways to disguise it, they frame for corrupt police that are criminals. They can do anything they want with the human prosthetics not just defemate, attack or plunge people! It function dirty and its for crime, they are extremely assaulatative like a robber at times! They hit women in the breasts and cops cant do things like that but they will try to cover it up with an excuse like she did it to my sister or something like that. Sometimes they didnt do anything and they get attack for years. The punishment doesnt fit the crime and they can rape people, they often do! They are total criminals in civillians clothing, its dirty and scummy as well, total schmutt!!! Women dont care either its aweful.
I heard that gang stalking was started by some rich guy that gained control of people like humanized robots, implanted prosthetics that control the entire brain- like a slave, with spinal implants and attachments. Plus they have other highly advanced streetware to attack. Including something that looks like holographs that are really reflections of animations, slide show like pictures and even video on the human eye. They can see in 3d now! They let some of that technology out, then changed their minds so people wouldnt know that there is a higly advanced street team attacking right now. THey are totally evil thugs as well, aside form their white collar class of criminal brigades.

The town of Walsenburg is a gang stalking community now, it has an illegal police force, let small time civillians control people's computers and took over for real estate.

by Gang Stalking July 30, 2019

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Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking

This is an organized group who have targeted an individual or family based on some action or attitude displayed by the target who knowingly or most likely unknowingly used while in contact with a member of the organized group through a work place, or any other social arena. This has become common place in the United States due to the War against terrorism and has organized these groups of well meaning citizens who are now following targets they do not even know personally but have been placed on the List for what ever reason which may mostly be made up by someone within the organization (an organizer) who labels the target with any number of negative, evil, criminal character personalities such as terrorist, pedophiles, abusive parent, trouble maker, anti-American, anti-industry, or just someone thatโ€™s a monkey wrench in the workings of the organization. The person becomes a target of the organization due to their religious, political, or ethical beliefs and who speak out when they believe that something is not right.

Once the person is placed on the List then they are put under constant surveillance which includes stalking. This is where the target suffers because this group wants the target to know they are targeted so that the targeting is more than surveillance, it is a punishment. The group also does not want anyone else outside the group to know that the target is being targeted so that it is covert to the general public but not to the target. So that makes it difficult for the target to get anyone to help them because they can not prove they are being targeted because why would anyone want to follow a nobody and spend that much time and energy on them and the things that the target experiences is often unbelievable. These organizations of stalkers are using the target as some kind of candid camera or live TV game show candidate and are the subjects of scrutiny of the organization.

These gang stalkers use two main methods of criminal activity:

Harassment in the form of Classical (Pavlovian) psychology is used in which normal everyday things are changed into operants through conditioning. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian Physiologist, developed this area of psychology where a neutral stimulus can be used to produce a physiological response. I am using the two types of conditioning together (B. F. Skinnerโ€™s operant) because for the target it is a conditioned response but for those in the gang it is an operant. The use of automobiles is the main operant where things like shining or flashing head lights on the target from a distance usually at night, beeping the horn repeatedly or setting off the car alarm when the target appears in sight, going past the target or while they are at home with a vehicle with a loud motor (call rumble) also motor cycles having a loud rumble symbolizing a fight(letโ€™s rumble), starting a vehicle as the target passes or shutting a door loudly, passenger side ramming (as the targetโ€™s vehicle passes a side road or parking lot another vehicle drives up to a last minute stop to prevent crashing into the passenger side of the targetโ€™s vehicle but making sure the target is startled or at least that they are noticed), or using a vehicle horn

near their place of residence repeatedly to let the target know they are being watched.

This is used to create fear, terror and can drive a target into emotional distress, suicide, homicide, or both as was the case in Virginia a couple years ago when a young man packing two semi-automatic hand guns opened fire killing 20 to 30 people. This is where the harassment pushed the victim to homicide and suicide.

The other main method of attack on the target is electronic harassment. This is when someone uses any electronic device to illegally gather information from you or to cause you harm. This could actually be termed assault. These are electronic weapons that cause injury that are said to be non lethal. According to the USC Title50 chapter 32 Section 1520a the military and law enforcement are legally allowed to use non-lethal weapons. These EMF weapons, directed harmful high energy devices, radar guns, voice image induction signals, tracking devices, or lasers cause pin sizes burns, muscle spasms, headaches, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, convulsions, depression ,seizure, sleep disturbances, confusion, memory difficulties, hallucinations, etc. This really puts the target on edge because they know they are stalked everywhere they go and now they are the experiment of these new electronic gadgets. This obviously causes fear and terror.

Other forms of attack are sabotage of a target's vehicle, telephone, cell phones, or computer harassment, entering the targets residence illegally and doing a search. These are all criminal activities and are carried out by over zealous, patriotic, bandwagon, lynch mob, group think, people who masquerade as law abiding citizens who are really criminals who belong to a secret society similar to Nazis.
Their list of crimes range for torts such a defamation, slander, libel, trespass to crimes like invasion of privacy, stalking, emotional distress, harassment, vandalism, destruction of property,accomplice to a crime, and murder.

If you are a target you may be able to find some type of help on the internet or find someone else who has been targeted. There is another way you may find help and that is through Jesus Christ. Ask him to help you, start reading a Bible from one of these New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, and pray. May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and help you. I welcome email at the following address.


As I was delivering a load of gasoline to the gas station, I noticed the headlights of a car across the road in a parking lot shining directly on me and realized that this was another form of gang stalking.

by Bible Bill May 10, 2009

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Gang stalking

See term "money-shark". People who are gang stalking participate because they are criminally insane for money and power, or too morally weak so they are vulnerable to coercion, or in the case of doctors who advocate and allow this torture do it for human experimentation for the purpose mind engineering,i.e. mindcontrol. MK-Ultra was a notorious documented CIA mind control experiments that destroyed the lives of targeted individuals . Today, the perpetrators not only have a network to orchestrate stalking, but also reportedly the poisoning of food, property break-ins and destruction, vehicular maiming and killing, but have been given access to direct energy weapons that destroy mental and physical health. The direct energy is also used to attempt silent hypnosis,brain washing, sleep deprivation, dream insertion, dream interrogation to subconscious, etc.. Portion of the government and law enforcement involved in these "secret operations." Often, the federal, state, and local government use plausible deniability to say such government approved activity doesn't exist. The government and the perpetrators promote that the targeted individual, TI, is suffering from psychosis like schizophrenia or delusions. In one word......."EVIL" , describes the willing partcipants. Really.....have to be sick and twisted to willingly participate. Very Satantic.

Gang Stalking is an illegal government approved crime where a person's life and health is constantly torn down and threatened to make the targeted individual be more vulnerable towards attempted brainwashing. If government can learn to control a person's brain, then they can win any war. Governments lie about this to cover-up their evil deeds that give them knowledge and power. Who can help the victims prove this crime and stop the crimes?

by Slicksbro November 12, 2009

123๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gang stalking

A slang term for counterinsurgency, before was counterintelligence (see COINTELPRO)... In the 70's, the FBI was responsible and called it 'intelligence activities'. Today, it involves the intelligence community, law enforcement, emergency responders, lead institutions in charge of critical infrastructure protection, private businesses, state and local resources, nonprofits and volunteer citizens. When done under lawful authority is not stalking, harassment or mobbing. A target is typically a person put on a list and monitored in their community and the community takes a number of offensive and defensive measures to keep the community safe (physical assets as well as way of life politically, socially and economically). It involves electronic monitoring, deception, electronic deception , electronic warfare, surveillance, etc. It scales to a nationwide system of command and control, communications, surveillance, monitoring and network centric

electronic attack designed to handle real-time incidents as they unfold.

Fred was having a problem with gang stalking at work. He reported several incidents to his supervisor.

by Twin77777 July 7, 2015

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Gang Stalking

A bunch of bullshit. Voice to skull technology+frequencies received by the ears that depress you and make you anxious+body manipulation+the worst performance you'll ever see. A nonsensical retard fest. It's not anyone in your community. It's not anyone you know. It's the government. It's MK-Ultra Part 2. Ignore them and mock them, and they'll eventually fuck off.

The word gang stalking is misleading

by theantichrist June 28, 2010

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Gang Stalking

A police tactic to exercise their homicidal instincts through attempting to systematically exact extrajudicial punishment directly and by de facto citizens' patrol proxy on random individuals. They apply all known and accessible technical means to systematically go after a given individual, whom they can only have heard next to nothing about. Sort of like a sport, where Man, as is known, is the most dangerous game. They apply classified technology, such as: advanced A.I., de facto nanotechnology, vibratory and auditory bug devices, psychological warfare and slurred-brained tactics, some forms of reactive bioagent, flashmobbing-type regular and conspicuous stalking rituals 24/7 on a given target with thousands of active participants that have elaborate false backstories, advanced remote monitoring and prompting equipment, and unilateral attempted bureaucratic sabotage, feeling enabled and empowered by their like-no-minded ape allies; all while operating on a necessarily false, hearsay assumption, that they consider irrelevant anyway in their crazed, sanguinary solely criminal quest of evil. Nothing is too petty, too stupid, or too criminal for them - and they feel as if they are racking points, like a game, attempting to convey it to each other in their own ape sign language.

"Yeah, those cops were gang stalking me . . . but they sure didn't seem to mind me scoring with all those hot hookers; a double-edged sword, with all their tolerance of criminality."

"Gang Stalking - the principle: don't put anything past anyone. They won't stop either, like they're mindlessly on autopilot, as they are profiteering on this for the hazard pay - of extra effort. They seem to be mindless to the point of entertaining delusions of invulnerability as well, or they just can't think at all, not understanding the historic problems with public corruption."

by Overlord0 November 3, 2023