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two boys that are straight but gay for each other

yo its the gayboys”

matt and joe

by ballsandboobies February 6, 2022


When you don't have a sick comeback m8

Bitch boi "U gay lol"
You "Gayboi"
*bitch boi falls to the floor due to the heart attack he got after being called "Gayboi"*

by TheDuckDog July 5, 2017


What you call someone who is being a prick or. U just don't like

John plays pubg so he isnt a gayboi.

by FortniteFminecraftGood September 13, 2019


a person who is omega gay.

Gaybois are usually named tristen or Oliver.

A: that dude is such a gayboi!!!
B: his names tristen btw

by que12 January 24, 2020

lil gayboy

British insult. Mainly used as an alternative for cuck or pussy.

Brit 1 : Ye wonna tussle m8?
Brit 2 : Naw m8.
Brit 1 : Yeh dats roite ye lil gayboy

by NickWilde January 22, 2017


Something that is gay

Tyler woudnt come outside. That’s so gayboyness

by Tyler is sus March 23, 2021

gayboy twins

Gay boy twins- two people who constantly make fun of each other for being gay and act in homosexual ways to each other but aren’t actually gay. Gay boy twin activity’s include sending nudes of everything, making gay collages dedicated to young Leonardo Decaprio, and repeatedly calling each other gayboys

Lincoln: *sends nudes of his dishwasher*

Myah: you’re gay asl
Lincoln: not as gay as when you colored your peppa pig toy with rainbow marks
Myah: omg we gayboy twins

by xtlanta October 8, 2017