Some random fuck tard who runs around in a onsie tiger suit at night and calls himself 'gimpy terry' and tries to molest children, annoy people and genrally be retarded. his friends are pedo jezz and gary glitter.
Gimpy Terry runs past...
Steve: Fucking retard.
Matt: there's something wrong with him.
the gimpy gang consists of Saph, Owen, Mani, Caoimhe Morgan and the biggest gimp of all Louie Eastwood
i hope the gimpy gang choke because they are nobody’s and freaks who forget their place
Somebody named Little Mo was born with a defective leg. He is more formally known as “Little Mo with the Gimpy Leg”
“You’ve been smoochin’ with everybody, Al, Snuffy, Leo, Little Mo with the Gimpy Leg, Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff.”
You blow a load in a chick's eye, thereby blinding her and then kick her in the knee, making her stumble around the room like a Gimpy Pirate.
I gave that hooker the Gimpy Pirate and then ran away without paying!
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Niall: ''insert gimpy joke''
everyone else: that isn't even funny, you guys are such gimpy geezers
If someone has gimpy fingers it means the same as spastic fingers! Usually used when you type something wrong on twitter or Facebook!
Fuck sake that's not meant to say that I've got such gimpy fingers today
either the coolest of the cool or the worst of the worst never the middle
Jake after Josh won the lotto "mad gimpy"
Josh after Jake just got raped by a 40 year old man "mad gimpy"
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