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graphics card

Simply put, a Graphics Card is a piece of computer hardware that produces the image you see on a monitor. You'll notice that graphics cards are becoming more in demand in the current years... More demand means less supply and less supply means higher pricing. Higher pricing leads to scalping and people give in to it and it continues. This usually happens when a brand new type of card comes out and everyone wants one. There are really only 2 major discrete gpu providers which are Nvidia and Amd which make discrete gpus not so versatile other then from theses two brands!

I sold my two kidney stones for the new RTX 3090 graphics card that was sold by a scalper that was tripled in price!

by CUMSE April 13, 2021

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graphic card

computer hardware device which takes the overload of the graphic processing from the processor to itself. it also has a video memory which stores the graphic content to be displayed on the monitor.

The hardware that changed the PC gaming market.

Indian boy : papa i want a 9800 gtx graphic card in my PC.

Indian father : hey PC was for your studies i think.

Indian boy : yes with a graphic card i can do my study work in an "graphic intense" way and i will be doing my home work in a more helping user friendly environment.

Indian father : oh then i will buy u the latest one son.

Indian boy : i love you papa

Indian father : oh son

Indian boy : (evil smile)

by stasis911 May 27, 2009

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Graphics Nazi

A gamer who judges a video game by its graphics.

Graphics Nazi: zomg d00d gta 3s grafics is sho sitty!!1 dun play it!!!
Guy: Shut up you doofus. Did you really expect HD graphics back in 2001?
-Graphics Nazi leaves the chatroom-
Guy: Well that escalated quickly.

by Overstored Milk September 8, 2014


n. 1) t-shirt that has a mess of colors and irregular designs by designers like Affliction, Ed Hardy, etc; 2) Standard clothing article worn by Douche bags; 3) "Douche Bag Tag" 4) Flag raised in honor of douche bag Solidaity 5) The American Football fan's other shirt.

Give me my Ed Hardy graphic-t or give me death

by despot ruler January 20, 2010

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Graphic Novel

"Graphic Novel" is basically a comic book. Graphic Novel is the term mainly used by adults to make comics seem less childish

Person A - You like the Sin City graphic novels?
Person B - Dunno I just watched the movie!

by Rachaell August 18, 2005

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Graphic designer

An individual who does precise guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

You're a graphic designer Harry.

by #Magikarp November 7, 2019

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graphic novel

what hipsters, idiots, and the media use to attempt to sound high brow about reading/discussing comic books, but in reality is a term describing a specific format of comic book. that form being an over-sized self-contained single original story (as opposed to a typical single issue or collection of old single issues).

proper: hey, did you read the new Will Eisner graphic novel? you know the one that actually says graphic novel on it and everything?

improper: X-Men is my favorite graphic novel!

by Raspina July 3, 2012

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