What gay people in Southwest Philly do when giving a tossed salad.
What punks say when they don't have a comeback and they're getting roasted.
LaTron grasped the cheeks of his lover Latrell when giving him a tossed salad.
Billy Bob said, "Grasp the cheeks" because he was a tired little B and couldn't hang with anyone.
Abbreviation of "Got it, right? Art stands in pure exemplary, Dante"
"To deliver information faster than anyone... you can't afford to spell it all out. GRASPED."
- Ryoshu
Gradually grasping; grasping with your penis
I like to go gradually grasping especially when it's hot out.
The act of masturbation cause you are a lonely incel
Jordan is grasping cause his girl left him for a better man
The act of masturbating cause you are a lonely incel
Jordan is grasping because his girl left him for another man
When seeing some body's GYAT you may want you touch it, so you grasp. Used metaphorically.
"Grasping the music teacher right now"
When a Shit Grasper Grasps on to someone's Shit to get attention they don't deserve.
Eugene was pressed after the squad was finished Shit Grasping off his Dumb Ass.