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grief poaching

Glomming on to the death of someone, usually a celebrity on celebrity crime, in order to capture some of the spotlight by feigning interest in someone's death or misfortune. This term was invented by Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda's wife.

So many people talking about Michael Jackson's death are just grief poaching.

by TheRenner July 1, 2015

grief bang

Mostly meaningless sex used to cope with the loss of a relationship. A term possibly first created by the writers of Archer.

Wendella grief banged her way into the New Year.

by wbloo December 31, 2014

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Grief Tourist

A person that visits or initiates Facebook memorial groups or pages to leave messages of grievance despite never knowing the deceased, their family or friends.

Dave: Why are you here leaving R.I.P. messages, you never even knew the deceased. You're just a Grief Tourist.

by Bar Gain Live March 21, 2010

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grief stew

Noun. Illinoisan origin.

Refers to the state of bereavement in which all of the stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) are experienced simultaneously, in rapid succession, backwards, or in any sort of strange order or frequency.

Often expressed by dramatic teenagers or pregnant women whose dangerous hormonal spikes lend themselves to such an unfortunate occurrence. Can sometimes help and sometimes hurt the grieving process.

Teen: "I can't believe he just broke up with me!! What an enormous douchebag! Couldn't we have worked things out?! Why can't I stop crying!?! GAWD, I'm so over this. Janet, we need to go shopping. I'm so done with this grief stew."

by geemandy28 July 13, 2009

Grief Leech

(n) A person who likes to be around sad people so that they can feel needed and important. Often, these people will also internalize others' sadness so that they, in turn, can be comforted. They may seem like fragile, weak little birds but a true Leech is just an attention whore who likes the condolences and hugs they get from being sad and fragile.

Grief Leeches are most easily identified by their constantly talking about various friends that they're always "so worried" about. Note that you are always hearing about how she is helping them from the Leech herself and not from her supposed friends.

Person 1 - "God, when Nick and I broke up, Rose came over to 'comfort me' and I ended up having to comfort her! She wouldn't stop crying about my loss. And then, I had to spend the next week hearing everyone else tell me what a great friend she was because, of course, she had told them all about how she was 'so tired' because she had come over to help me in my time of need. What is that!?"

Person 2 - "OMG, Rose is such a Grief Leech!"

by Tamberlynn December 4, 2009

Trumpet grief

When mr grief steals your trumpet

β€œDude used to be spanner grief but now the kunt has stolen my trumpet, he’s now known as fucking trumpet grief. Absolute fucking wank stain”

by Iwannariot March 14, 2019

Grief Junkie

Someone who feels they have to be upset over something or someone, regardless of connection to it or them.

My Mum cried at Debbies funeral and she's only met her once, shes such a Grief Junkie!

by Nick Cory May 21, 2007

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