Yeah, I mean... It sounds like the Palestinians were being wildly oppressed by a Jewish ethno-state... I mean, 4 hours of electricity a day!?
Hym "Hey... Remember how I was all 'Hey, guys, if I'm going to be dehumanized and forced to live a life of privation there's no reason not to rape and murder a bunch of people?' You guy remember that? No? 'You get what you deserve?' Ringing any bells? It's fun to have the things I say validated by cause and effect over time. I probably could have told you that was going to happen, like...
If you've been reading this for a while... And you knew what was going on in the Gaza strip... The Hamas attack on Israel shouldn't be all that much of a surprise to you... I'm like a genius sociologists... And I told you that that would happen if you were doing the thing that was happening there, so.... Is that not the exact progression of events unfolding in the exact way I said they would unfold? You know what? I've crafted a little scene here. Hold on... I almost forgot... CORRECT AGAIN!!!"
Idiot 1 "Hey, man. You think dehumanizing and depriving people is gonna like... Make them want to rape and/or murder use?"
Idiot 2 "Nuh-uh! They're not going to do NOTHING (A thing my bitch ass brother actually said to me)!"
Hamas *Proceeds to do a hell of a lot more than nothing*
Hym "Which is why we should all be thankful I don't take myself as seriously as you all seem to take yourselves. So, in retrospect, which to you prefer? THIS or THAT? Did I do the wrong thing here? Nah, you love it. I was right. Thus was the CORRECT response. But unfortunately you're all not very amenable to reason and struggle to learn lessons. I blame a broad and general cognitive deficiency. So... Yeah... Correct again. Did you think for a second I wouldn't gloat? Did you watch the news and think 'Yeah, Hym knows better than to touch on THIS ONE, right guys?' Well... We can't all be right all the time. Only I can do that. And ONLY because I'm better than everyone."
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Hamas is the de facto governing entity of the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine. Hamas is considered a terrorist organisation in part (Al Qassam Brigades) or in full by a handful of Western countries. Following the Oct 7 attacks in southern Israel, Western media outlets have repeatedly asked their guests on air this question to make them explicitly express their opinions on Hamas. This has been used so often that it becomes a way of greetings just like “how are you?”
Hi! Long time no see. Do you condemn Hamas?
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Hama agha A.K.A Hama kawtu, is a Political Leader and the founder of DPKK(Democratic Party of The Kawtus of Kurdistan) he has 2K dinars in his pockets he eats sada, nokaw, qawrma, and falafl every day. He is vegetarian(because he doesn’t have enough money to buy meat). He only goes to sitak when he’s invited. Famous singer jegr midya became his friend cause he felt bad. Back in the day he made Sulaymaniyah city electric less because of his goddam nose. But he has a big kind heart.
Hama agha made Sulaymaniyah electric less
When you are fucking Scotty bareback while he's tied up like a hog at Christmas dinner and he's so oiled up that you can't even grab onto his large love handles.
Bro #1: Dude, I just had sex Hamas Style last night!
Bro #2: Hell nah, that's gross af.
Hym "Hamas is not Satan, Ben. But YOU are, in fact, undercooked! Ha! Get it? Because of the ovens? Hey, the oven bit is catching on. I saw some guy on YouTube making an oven joke. It was something along the line of 'I had to put a 🔒 on my oven because jews kept trying to live inside it' the joke being that jews confuse ovens with houses. It was good. It's fun to make jokes."
When a massive, harry, bearded and bald strongman rapes a Palestinian refugee on the hood of a car, if the refugee is bigger then the average Joe, a truck hood can be used. The refugee’s age is not a matter of concern.
That poor refugee just received a raging Dirty Hamas from Eddie Hall.