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what happens what happens

lo que paso paso
what happens what happens
it is the definition of life and what life is. I mean like life is life, and what happens what happens.

1: yo I fucked up my test
2: don't worry what happens what happens

by The Real Lil Wayne December 5, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit happens

Something that happens that is out of your control. Also meant if you really don't care for what happened.

Guy 1: "dude, did you hear what happened?"
Guy 2: "shit happens. So what's new?"

by HigherChamp January 26, 2014

72๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

stuff happens

A phrase used by all to justify various kinds of strange occurrences. Used when the phrase "shit happens" isn't quite appropriate.

teacher: "your car caught and fire and your homework got burned??"

student: "yeah, well, stuff happens"

by db2838 July 2, 2010

Make it Happen

To do something and complete it. Usually under extreme circumstances.

you have two days to build this house from scratch. Make it happen girl.

by donnie chan February 27, 2007

98๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Actually happened

A storytime channel that claims to animate your story but actually just makes up their own ridiculous tales. They post daily which is even more ridiculous as it takes at least a week to animate a story. Their actual stories are just stupid because the things that they talk about won't actually happen to someone. Btw this channel was made by the Soul Company which also made Brightside and 5 minute crafts. (just search them up)

Tom: I sent a story to Actually Happened and they still didn't animate it!!
Marisa: Don't you know that Actually Happened's stories are fake???
Tom: What?! I didn't know that!!!!

by CHEESEBURGERBIGMAC November 13, 2019

37๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vas happening

Devised by the good-looking, one and only Zayn Malik from One Direction.

Don't you dare saying ''What's Happening?'' it's VAS HAPPENING . You're allowed to say 'vas happenin' or 's'appning'.

It's Zayn's unique saying but apparently you're allowed to say that too.

You can't help but loving Zayn and his super cute accent.

There once was a group with Liam and Niall

Vas happening boys? Vas happening boys?
They lived with Zayn and their room was vile

Vas happening boys? Vas happening boys?
Did you know, Harry's such a slob?
He needs to win the xFactor 'cause he can't get a job

And oh, Louis needs a boat
He dresses like he owns one
'cause he's got no other clothes
They really need your vote
Vas Happening boys? Vas Happening boys?
Mick Jagger could be Harry's dad,
Vas happening mum? Vas happening Mick?
When Liam sings he makes his face look sad
Vas Happening song, vas happening sad?
And Zayn, the master of echoes
And Niall was raised by leprachauns
so he won't ever grow

And oh, Louis needs that boat
He dresses like he owns one
and it's becoming a joke

They really need your vote
Vas happening boys? Vas happening boys?

by Horay_Loray March 23, 2011

1122๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž

This is actually happening

A phrase for use to highlight an ensuing awkward or unbelievable event. Mentioning that it is 'actually happening' helps to address either the awkwardness or awesomeness in the situation to everyone present. Therefore, can be used as a positive reinforcement to encourage the behaviour or as a negative reinforcement to discourage the offender.

Use in positive situation: Three hot women approach man and his friends in a bar and ask if they can join them.
Lucky Man: "This is actually happening."

Use in negative situation: A friend among a group starts to complain about other members of the group in an irrational and mood-ruining manner.
Any other group member: "This is actually happening."

by Rydo December 20, 2010

5073๐Ÿ‘ 1042๐Ÿ‘Ž