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Hardcore Dancing

The form of dance at a hardcore show
It isn't exactly dancing, more of a violent flailing, though it does take a considerable ammount of skill.

Most people consider this annoying, but they're just a bunch of pussies who don't realize what it means to go to a show, and if you do complain about it, stop fucken goin to shows! or be a shit ass wallflower

Dude, rip up this pit and start a fucken circle!!! i wanna throw down like a mad man!

-I got a fucken fist in the face and now my lip if bleeding...ARG
-man..i wish my lip was bleeding

by TwiTzT December 11, 2004

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hardcore dancing

A form of 'dancing' that is becoming more popular with the younger crowd at metal shows. I believe it evolved from the 'emo' , 'hardcore' scene but can now be seen at most any show you go to where heavy music is played. I would assume the reason for this is that recently, most styles of metal have crossed and blended into eachother.

This makes for some great music, but the 'Hardcore Dancing' is possibly the lamest, most retarded thing Ive ever seen. Its basically a person who looks like he never lifted a weight in his life flailing his harms and doing spin kicks as if he were fighting a barrage of invisible attackers. They seem to have no regard for anyone around them, as most times this 'dancing' will take place in the middle of a club that's packed shoulder to shoulder and several onlookers will get hit 'by accident'.
While I still see it as a valid form of expression, the middle of a crowd is not the place to do it! To make matters even more ridiculous, most of these kids seem to be pansies. Crack head thin or haneously out of shape, they walk around like they're a bunch of badasses and then suddenly break out into a 'dance' that looks like Jackie Chan having an epilleptic seizure.

If the dancing were choreographed, or at least followed the music to any degree it might look pretty cool...sad thing is Im sure some of these guys are really trying to do that but the poser fairy ninja wannabes ruin the whole scene for them.

The best part is, if anyone actually jumps in the pit and tries to 'mosh' the way it should be done, they run for the sidelines like the pussies they are.

Compared to old school 'moshing', where people would headbang and shove eachother, a 'hardcore dancing' pit seems much more malicious. In a mosh pit, if someone fell down or got hit by accident people would generally stop, pick the person up, get him out of the pit, etc. In a hardcore dancing area, bystanders are getting punched and kicked,etc. Just last night I was at an InFlames concert and some 120lb punk in a wife beater gave me a roundhouse to the arm while i was trying to watch the show. I went in after him and he ran away!!

Hardcore dancing could actually evolve into a cool form of self-expression. However, for the most part its sissy-bitch weaklings who think its cool to act like a bunch of morons and hurt people at metal shows.

The people who are really into hardcore dancing and are trying to take it to another level should really reign in the shitheads, as they're ruining the scene for everybody.

"Hardcore Dancing" is what moshing has turned into because the world is becoming overpopulated with the MTV generation. A subclass of American youth that think its cool to talk shit and disrespect one another. Put that music on your iPod and get in the squat rack. Then you'll be hardcore.

by BigVrunga February 15, 2006

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Hardcore Dancing

1.Dancing, only HARDCORE.
2.The kind of dancing you see the weird suburban kids from your school that always smell like BO and cloves doing. A subtle artform that manages to look uncoordinated, supremely lame and immensely queer, all at the same time. Popular hardcore 'dance moves' include the 'I'm flailing my arms about like a frightened kid in special ED!', The 'I'm piling myself on top of you but it's not gay because we're dancing and it's hardcore!' The 'When you can't dance, just roundhouse kick at random because it totally worked for the Spice Girls!' and the 'I'm going to be a virgin for a long time'.
3.The source of some of the funniest definitions I've come across on this site.

'Hardcore Dancing' makes me smile

by Ihateyouallsomuch August 8, 2005

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Hardcore Dancing

Acrobatic, kung-fu style dancing to hardcore music such as Blood for Blood, Earth Crisis and 25 ta Life, but has leaked into metallic hardcore, nu-metal/metal and emo scenes over time. Generally reserved for macho dudes, dudes trying to get into a fight, or dudes trying to impress other dudes with their "skills". Types of hardcore dancing includes spin kicks, "picking up change", pile-ons, as well as other physically challenging (and often hilarious to watch) martial-arts style moves. Can be enjoyed by straightedge and non-straightedge dudes alike, yet girls seem to shy away from displaying such behaviors too often.

"Dude, we totally wall-of-death'ed those meathead fucks who were hardcore dancing at that Municipal Waste show."

by Busse September 13, 2005

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hardcore dancing

Originally a traditional war dance done during breakdowns at hardcore shows. Unfortunately this once sacred dance can be seen at emo and metal shows. The fine dance has been leaked into the mainstream and everyone and their mother thinks they can dance now. Very few people can actually dance well now (see Philadephia).

I'm going to hardcore dance so hard at the Shattered Realm show.

by Evan March 1, 2005

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hardcore dancing

Hardcore dancing is dancing for people who don't have the balls to mosh.

OH EM GEE! I almost hurt my hand punching at the ground, but i still love hardcore dancing!

by GoHomeandDie August 27, 2007

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Hardcore Dancing

A stupid form of "dancing" done by emo kids at "hardcore" shows cause they're too sissy to actually mosh. The saddest part about it is that they actually think they're cool when they do it, when in fact it's the complete opposite.

Stupid Emo - "The Aiden show last night was amazing! I was hardcore dancing the whole time! I'm such a badass!"

Non-Fag that doesn't hardcore dance - "Wow. You're an idiot."

by asawisper September 11, 2008

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