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Americans who claim to be patriotic but actually hate the federal government, and would jump at any chance to sabotage the federal government or overthrow it and replace it with an authoritarian regime. They express love for the USA in abstract terms, often romanticizing the revolutionary war as the high-water mark in US history but hate everything about the federal government, state governments, and local governments. They claim to love "liberty" and "freedom" but at the same time seem to cherish the demanding discipline of the military and believe that placing a great deal of power in the hands of a king-like president would somehow result in more "freedom". They seem to almost worship guns and while they know little or nothing about the Constitution, they treat the second amendment as if it had been handed down by God almighty.

Trump's hatriots, including the proud boys and the oath keepers, love playing dress-up as soldiers and threatening to overthrow the federal government. They "love the USA" but hate the very thing that makes it the USA, i.e. the federal government.

by ProudLiberal June 6, 2023