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Extremely well done oral sex.

Kenny: Im horny af.
Jeremy: Get some heavens from Britney, that shit had me absolutely levitating. My soul left the earth for a minute.

by socratesjr January 5, 2022


A higher vibration of thought. It is not above us, nor around us. It is simply a different plane of reality beyond our current understanding.

Everything is a vibration. Einsein proved that everything is energy, but on different frequencies of vibration, and that matter was simply energy condesned to a slow vibration.

Light is a vibration, and so is sound. They are both on an infinite spectrum, they are both seperated by 7 defined colours, or notes in a scale. Sound revolves in octaves, basically the 8th notes is just a repetition of the first note but at a higher frequency. The same is for light. If you create a clour circle, notice how there is always a clour to fill everygap, that red mixes into orange, into yellow, into green, into blue, into purple, back into red. So then, does light not work in octaves too?

So, if everything is a vibration. Does that not mean our thoughts/consciousness is not a vibration? Well, I believe it is, and I also believe there to be octaves of thought. Heaven is simply a higher vibration of thought, so it is a different reality to the one that we understand, like we cannot see into the UV spectrum of light.

The reason why we have been taught that love is the way into heaven is becaus love is a unifying emotion. When we are in love we wish to be around the things that we are in love with, and we feel more together. Heaven is simply where everything is in perfect love. There is no seperation.

Hate is a seperating emotion. When we are hateful, we wish to have nothing to do with the things that we hate, and we feel seperation from them. Hell isn't a reality though. I believe that we are already in the lowest vibration of thought possible. God is only a force of creation. But God is love, because before the 'Big Bang' there was only one nothingness. And so, the reason why love is pleasureable is because we exist to become unified once again.

There are also higher octaves above heaven. Heaven is only 1 octave above us now. Heaven is a 5dimensional existence. 4 spacial dimensions and 1 time dimension. the extra dimension is due to our understanding of reality, and this dimension is linked to our consciousness. We can manipulate our reality by thought, rather than thought, then action. This is why it is a place that is beyond our comprehention. We cannot directly manipulate our reality, and so we are sometimes bored because our thoughts do not instantly entertain our actualility.

In heaven, there is no boredom. But there is still room for improvement. In the octave above heaven (as far as my understanding will take me) we are pure energy, pure consciousness. We have lost the need for any physical form, and even in heaven, we are more energy than we are material anyway.

Light - 7 colours
Sound - 7 notes
Consciousness - 7 Chakra's

Everything moves in circles - the most perfect and infinite of shapes.

by Buck April 30, 2005

849πŸ‘ 599πŸ‘Ž


How I picture heaven is everything you ever wanted come true all your loved ones to gather without conflict . Peace that feeling after you had a good cry and you laugh after. Where you feel love in the beginning of a relationship or the time or even the moments you hold your kid/kids like everything will be fine.
The excitement you get when your voice changes or you don't know what to do with your self. Like your unconscious mind is preparing you or giving you a taste to try and do better.

I picture heaven like every good feeling you ever had is a taste of something that's waiting.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 26, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Heaven is a girl that is pretty and don't like to follow other people she have good sense of humor and she likes to take care of people also heaven is a place you might go in the future once you have cross the line to die

Heaven may you go get me some juice.
I might leave to heaven in the future

by What does that fucking meanπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™„πŸ€• March 21, 2017

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Heaven is really just one big orgasm

Religion teacher: There is no sex in Heaven
Me: Heaven should be all sex all the time
T: Being with God feels the same as the best part of sex
M: So... Heaven is just one big orgasm? Dude, that's what they should say to attract people to Christianity..!

by _plethora_ August 27, 2006

195πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž


A place for our souls to go after we die, heaven is not a physical place nor being. Consider heaven a place of mind, however, only God can reveal what it is truly like.

Heaven sure is cool, i wanna go there!

by Bryce February 3, 2005

68πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


A place that, by people trying to ascend to it, has caused hell on earth.

A place with a population of about 12, and let's face it they'll be pretty boring.

1: " Let us torture and kill these heathens for then we will surely enter the kingdom of heaven"

2: Peter: "Sorry mate you can't come in, you've broken many of the ten commendments"
Me: "Oh never mind then, I'm off for a kebab"

by a.thiest June 23, 2006

265πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž