Source Code

Heinous Razzler

This is a particular ball bowled in the game of cricket that is simply unplayable. When bowled this ball will travel at such high velocities the wicket sets on fire due to the heat created from friction. Typically the nip back off the seam is so severe an inside edge onto the stumps is guaranteed. Only a few players can produce such a delivery and thus the term is rarely used. However you will know if you have received a heinous razzler.

George bowled a heinous razzler today that was so quick it broke my stumps.

by Rookmandingo May 25, 2021

Heinous Nap

A nap, taken by accident or deliberately, that lasts 1.5hours or more (usually longer than intended). When waking from a heinous nap, one generally feels groggy, unrefreshed and worse than they did before taking said heinous nap. A heinous nap usually will usually ruin a sleep schedule for several days.

β€œMate, I’ve just had a heinous nap from 6pm to 10pm. I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight!”

by NuggetMan69 January 29, 2021

most heinous

most non-excellent; bogus

That was most heinous.

by Alex Winter June 27, 2006

47πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Heinous Anus

When someone has HELLACIOUS gas!

Jake gave Jamie a Dutch Oven, and she screamed, "OH MY GOD!! You have heinous anus!!!"

by Two-Hands October 21, 2009

39πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Heinous McAnus

Explosive cause by eating bad McDonalds food

'After eating that McRib an hour later, he was a victim to Heinous McAnus'

by Executrix December 19, 2009

241πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

heinous anus

A crazy anus.

That is one out of control anus. In fact, I'll go so far as to say it's a heinous anus

by H TO THE ARLOT February 3, 2003

74πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Heinous Moke

Complete nonsense/ something stupid.

"Jenna's outfit looks really good today!"
"Nah man, Jenna's outfit is a heinous moke."

by Swaggyoda January 14, 2017