Source Code

bare hilare

A phrase used to describe somebody as very funny

"You Are Bare Hilare moit, yeah sick in the head and you knows what we does up here"

by Lilscooter11 September 28, 2005

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Hilarity Ensues

From the days of newspaper TV Guides that would write two sentence synopses (loglines) of a television show. Sometimes these summaries wouldn't sound comedic on the surface, so "hilarity ensues" was used to ensure the audience understood it was a premise for a comedy.

Tonight on Seinfeld, George decides the best time to have a snack is during sex. Hilarity ensues.

by flobo November 11, 2010

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Oh the Hilarity

A statement used like LOL, being 100% overused in most blogTV rooms, especially lovemedeadx3's, you go in there and you will see that flooded like crazy.

Simply means, oh haha, thats funny.

The damn girl on the camera says it yet doesn't crack a smile. So basically means, lol, which is a filler word for "i dont really give a shit but hah okay."

Person1: Hey I took a dump on the teachers desk in 3rd hour as she taught the class.

Person2: Oh the hilarity.

by XDHatesThisWord April 1, 2010

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oh the hilarity

the phrase of april fools 2010
means the same as "lol" but at a whole cooler level

abbr.: oth

-OMG i tripped on a crack

by FUX PRO April 1, 2010

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Oh the hilarity

Originally used as a blogTV.com April Fool's prank when the company replaced the overused acronym, LOL, with the line "Oh the hilarity". The line caught the attention of the chatters and is now commonly used as a variation of lol, rofl, lmao, etc.

Chatters: "Why does everyone keep saying 'Oh the hilarity'?"
blogTV: "Oh the hilarity, you people are so naive..."

by Shira79 April 1, 2010

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fatal hilarity

death as a result of laughter

In the third century B.C. the Greek philosopher Chrysippus died of laughter after giving his donkey wine, then seeing it attempt to feed on figs. This is fatal hilarity.

by Darling Ama December 3, 2006

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Hangover Hilarity

A condition brought on by an intense hangover. Even the most mundane situation or comment suddenly seems hilarious. It is thought to be triggered by a combination of sleep deprivation and the sufferer's desperate need to be distracted from how terrible they are feeling.

Guy 1 - "What is she creasing herself over?"

Guy 2- "Don't know. It's probably nothing though. She's got a severe case of hangover hilarity today."

by JPo74400 April 20, 2011