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A "homeschooler" is a person from the ages of 5-18 who does their school at home. These are they kind of kids who give homeschooled people a bad name. They live up to every stereotype imaginable. For example, they always wear running shoes to every single event except church. To church they wear ugly flats with ankle length skirts unless they're boys. If they're boys then they do wear their running shoes to church. These children are also not allowed to mingle with the other gender until they reach marriageable age. These people do not know what a push up bra is and certainly don't know what a thong is. They have never been to a mall and if they have, the only reason is that there is a bookstore inside the mall. They all buy their clothing at thrift shops and never stay up to date on the latest styles. They think partying hard is going to their only friends (besides their mom) house and eating ice cream and oh so disobediently talking about the opposite gender until 10:30 when their parents come to pick them up. They then proceed to tell their best friend every single detail of the night. Who is their best friend? Their mom of course! Also, when trying to relate to others, they use large, confusing words that only Albert Einstein and they themselves understand. Poor homesschoolers... they don't even know that they're not normal.

Note: After this, please look up "homeschooled".

Homeschoolers tend to be pretty lame :p

by homeschooledchica January 23, 2011

129๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


a really smart kid who meets the following criteria:
really smart
anti-social regardless of 15 extracurricular activities
spelling bee champion
homeschool debate team
already in college... community college
anti-evolution - no, sworn to defeat the evolutionists
pro-creation, if you know what i mean. definitely their parents
you get the point

normal person: you're a homeschooler? I never would've guessed!
homeschooler: thanks!

by ex-homeschooler May 18, 2007

206๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž


Admit non homeschoolers the kind of education you really want.

homeschooling is awsome because you get to Work at your own pace, Not be micromanaged by teachers and have bullshit shoved down your throat.

by theshroomguy March 25, 2007

312๐Ÿ‘ 415๐Ÿ‘Ž


1 - Someone who sits at home all day while upping their levels on World Of Warcraft.

2 - Super smart A+ kids who think they are better than you.

3 - Strange inbreds who slack off all day and have no friends or social life.

I happen to be homeschooled. I have normal friends and a social life.. and i don't wear high waisted jeans.

I think it's examples 1, 2, and 3, that give the rest of us a bad name.

John - Where do you go to school?

Laura - I'm a homeschooler.

John - Really? You're so.. normal.

by seamonkeysarerad January 15, 2008

268๐Ÿ‘ 367๐Ÿ‘Ž


A system where your parents are in control of your education, and not some so-called teacher they hardly ever see. In a functional homeschooling family, a parent teaches their child, can give them the attention and care they need. The parent can make sure that their child not only learns important facts, but grasps concepts as well. In this manner, a parent can also ensure that the beliefs and morals they have attempted to instill in their children are not corrupted by unruly, dysfunctional children, or teachers who want them to think like everyone else. Children should be encouraged to think on their own, and develop their own opinions. Their personalities should not be squashed, and they should not be overly-sheltered in a decent homeschooling environment.
Homeschool groups exist to make sure that children are able to socialize with others their age, and to offer extra classes (like ballroom dance, art, or more complicated classes parents are unable to teach). Often, groups will organize dances, field trips, and even sports teams or music and drama groups.
Unfortunately, not all homeschooling families work this way, but many do. Public and private schools do not always work either (in case no one else has noticed).

I was homeschooled until 8th grade.

Homeschooling is misunderstood.

Homeschool is not for everyone.

by Einalem the Thinker April 2, 2008

267๐Ÿ‘ 365๐Ÿ‘Ž


Un-biased definition: School work at home.

Contrary to popular beliefs, kids who are home schooled DO have friends, DO have lives, and AREN'T all religious. Parents do it if they don't live in a place with a decent school district, or want their kids to have a better education than any school can give them. The one on one attention helps them to grasp facts and ideas and formulas better.

There are home-school groups, co-ops, 4Hs, sports, etc. And that doesn't even include the non-homeschool-only activities that they can participate in.

And in most cases, it's not parents randomly trying to teach their kids. There are curriculums that the parents can order, that outlines every step of the way kind of like a script, so they really don't have to know much, but still be as good of a teacher as one with a degree.

If done sucessfully, the homeschooled child will end up having friends that attend private schools, public schools, AND who are also homeschooled.

People actually EXIST outside of a physical school. Shocking, I know.
I'm a 14 year old girl, and have been homeschooled all of my life. And believe me, I go out, I have fun, I have a boyfriend, I have FRIENDS. There's even homeschool proms and dances where I am that I go to.

Don't believe the stereotype.

Non-Home School Kid: What school do you go to?
Home school kid: I'm homeschooled.
Non-Home School Kid: Oh, wow, how do you meet anyone?
Home school kid: I'm homeschooled, not under house arrest. Plus, I met you, didn't I?

by Outdoorillusionxo January 21, 2010

193๐Ÿ‘ 286๐Ÿ‘Ž


:in general, the mindset of those who are unfamiliar with homeschooling is that homeschoolers are unsocialized, intolerant, self-righteous, abnormal people. Yes, some homeschoolers are. However, the vast majority are normal people who simply choose a more specialized/focused educational program. Through homeschooling, one has the freedom to move at one's own pace; completing work at a quicker pace or spending more time on a concept as needed. Many homeschoolers have tutors for some subjects, take a few courses at public high schools, use video courses, or enroll in college courses while still in high school, in addition to parental instruction. Mostly, they just want the freedom to pursue their interests in depth, while still fulfilling high school requirements.

As a homeschooler, I can place a high emphasis on music, yet not abandon academics, while pursuing my high school education. While maintaining a 4.2 GPA, I take music lessons, sing in choir, play in my city's youth symphony, and am highly involved in Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and Varsity Jazz Band at a public high school. I have also composed music for a drama to be performed at the high school. Yes, I do have many friends who are my age, a large percentage of them being public schooled. I also wear normal clothes and shop at stores like Express, American Eagle, and The Gap. I am a normal person who just likes to accomplish as much as possible.

by Piccolista September 10, 2006

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