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No Homo

The legendary phrase that clarifies your sexuality, and that you are not of the homosexual gender. Even after saying something very homosexual, a simple "no homo" is all that it takes to make everyone believe that you are not in fact a homosexual.

Person 1: Bro you lookin so fine, I could kiss you right now
Person 2: Then let us proceed in the "sexual interaction"
Person 1: Yes

*After the Sexual interaction*

Person 1: That felt great, I would do that again
Person 2: Same
Person 1: No homo btw
Person 2: Yeah, no homo

*and just like that, their sexuality was restored*

by Ya_Boi_142 March 1, 2019

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

No homo

you can say no homo only if u think of sayin no homo before u verbally or physically do the action

β€œIm going to say no homo and ik this” β€œily man no homo”

by God&gods June 21, 2020


1. prefix: from the greek homos, it means "the same". From the Latin homo, it means "man"
2. A derogatory term for a gay man.

1. homogenous: the same. Homo erectus: standing man.
2. Todd wore K-Mart jeans today! What a homo!

by Militant Liberal May 3, 2005

2100πŸ‘ 834πŸ‘Ž

No homo

The gayest thing a straght person could say to another straight person even though what they were talking about probably wasn't even gay at all.

guy A: dude you are like a brother to me... no homo

guy B: wait what?

by jp97 May 30, 2011

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

no homo

the phrase that, when uttered in conversation makes the speaker sound gayer than if he or she had not said it.

no homo but i was just jacking off to some gay porn.

by jacksonguitarist May 12, 2008

1497πŸ‘ 599πŸ‘Ž

No Homo

When someone says something gay or sounds gay. No homo is used to tell everyone that person didn't mean it that way and they are in fact, straight.

I'm gay, no homo.

by TirdyDesticles June 2, 2010

48πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a derogatory term usually used by hetrosexual men against other heterosexual men

quit acting like a homo brad

you look like a homo

piss off you fucking homo

by tamahau February 12, 2003

5023πŸ‘ 2262πŸ‘Ž