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the bitching hour

The bitching hour is when the parental unit comes down en masse with criticisms of your habitual failures, laziness, and poor grades.

The reports come out today. It's time for the bitching hour.

by Cranberry Bob January 17, 2020

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11th hour

the last possible time at which we can change for the better and correct our faults;The last moment when change is possible.(relates to the the many environmental problems facing humanity)

we have to change before the 11th hour, because by then it will be to late.. environment

by joshy pooooo August 6, 2008

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7 Hours

The average amount of time a school day takes, tends to feels more like 10 thousand years, and that number is bolstered by homework.
Once I tried to get a 100 person petition for the school to put a sign right outside of the school that would say
"welcome to hell" so new students would know what they were in for when arriving for the first time.

The 7 hours start.......
Now! (sounds of hell intensify)

by lordgrim the invcbke October 14, 2020

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Ungodly hour

If you refer to a time as an ungodly hour, you are emphasizing that it is very early in the morning.

Still up at this ungodly hour. So sleepy but I can't sleep :(

by palemisfits January 4, 2014

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A redundancy in military jargon signifying the exact hour for an operation to begin. Big "H" for "big hour".

The invasion of the enemy held island began at H-Hour, 05:00.

by Joe Rodolico February 9, 2007

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crackhead hours

A certain time at night where you do random shit and don’t fucking know why. You get random bursts of energy and your brain isn’t functioning properly

11:30 is usually when my crackhead hours hit

by vicks with the hicks September 26, 2019

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The Witching Hour

The hour between 3am and 4am when the barrier between the physical realm and the spiritual realm is the thinnest, which makes it easier for beings such as Angels, Ghosts and Demons to enter into the physical realm.

"John you're not going to believe this...I woke up during the witching hour last night and when I looked around I could have sworn I saw something standing in the corner of my room watching me".

by Justin Lewis21 December 27, 2018

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