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Impaired mental cognition

Fancy for stupid.

MaryKate has impaired mental cognition. But she's also blonde. So she's just dumb.

by Roy Magnum September 9, 2010

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hygiene impaired squeegee technicians

please refer to bums as hygiene impaired squeegee technicians now

person; look at that bum taking a shit in the box
other person; they're called hygiene impaired squeegee technicians now
person; screw political correctness

by todd March 26, 2004

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ego impaired

When a person makes an obviously selfish decision, or when a person lets their ego get in the way of doing the right thing.

That's so ego impaired when coach moved practice to 6am because he wants to go out for breakfast.

by Gillybean February 22, 2015


Impaired yet operational

I had three beers during work and am fully impairational.

by charliehillside September 13, 2012

Wanking Impaired

Not being able to wank

Jarra - I cant wank no more!! :o

Keira - Your so wanking impaired

by somerandompedo123456789 May 1, 2011

Neuro-impaired nimrod

A term to describe a person that is very stupid and cant do nothing because he is very dumb and decides to attack you in a pvp game and he gets jumped by 50 big hunky men

I was playing TSB and someone attacked a whole party, he is a Neuro-impaired nimrod. 50 big hunky men jumped him

by Papi travis the first November 15, 2023

Shelter impaired

To be homeless.

The county would not help me even though they knew I was shelter impaired.

by JennMe November 4, 2019