An exclamatory term that serves as a compliment.
Thanks man, that breakfast totally went insaneo style.
When a situation goes BOOM! BAM!
Why Insaneo Style?
1. Sounds Cool
2. Many uses
- Credits Joel Haver
"This is about to go INSANEO STYLE"
"Would you say that date was INSANEO STYLE?"
A catchfrase used to label situations that are out of the ordinary, striking, or otherwise odd.
First introduced by celebrity Joel Haver, the catchfrase gained momentum and is now used all over the world,
often with great results.
'What are you doing, you are totally flipping out!'
'Yeah, I think I am going insaneo style.'
adj. Very good or cool. Can also mean crazy, weird, sensational, etc. It has many uses.
Oh man! That video went insaneo style!
The cool new unironical catchphrase all the hip emerging actors in Hollywood are using!
Whoa, you totally went all insaneo style there dude!
When something like really cool or like insane happens.
Joel : Could you uh, would you say it went INSANEO STYLE?
Michael : Uhm, I mean, uhgh, like... Do I have to? Say that?