An animated television show about an alien named Zim and his attempts to take over Earth. The show was created by Jhonen Vasquez and run by Nickelodeon. It was recently released on DVD by AnimeWorks. It was cancelled after only one season. It was also recently returned to the television channel YTV.
Invader Zam is a mis-spelling of Invader Zim.
48๐ 11๐
the best show nickelodeon ever had, but since it's been cancels, all of the other show on nick are gay and no one watches that channelle anymore exept for worm babies.
funny drawn piggies, different sized eyes. kooliest show in the world.
102๐ 28๐
The greatest show ever to air on Nickelodeon. It had many mentions of pigs, moose's, the word "doom", and many other things. It was not, however, Nickelodeon's entire fault that the show was cancelled. Jhonen Vasquez himself was getting rather frustrated and pressured by his creation, and agreed to pull the plug on his brilliant masterpeice. Some of you people should really do your research before you say things about Nickelodeon, which has a lot of good shows, INCLUDING Spongebob. And no, I'm not like, 7.
Invader ZiM is perhaps the greatest cartoon that will ever appear on television.
70๐ 18๐
Verb: The act of doing something ambitious, yet ultimately futile.
Frank: "Dude, I really want to give Jamie a Cleveland steamer."
Roger: "Bobby's sister? You're invading Russia there."
15๐ 2๐
The best show ever,created by Jhonen Vasquez,the greatest man on earth. Nickelodeon cancelled it,so they must die.
Yes yes,Lord of Humans! I will rule you wall with an Iron Fist!-Zim
305๐ 99๐
Individuals or groups of people who sit next to you in cinemas or on public transport when there are plenty of other free seats available.
I was at the cinema alone the other day when about eight space invaders came and sat right next to me.
117๐ 33๐
a kickass television show... of DOOM, best tv show ever.......MINI MOOSE IS THE BEST CHARACTER ALONG WITH GIR!!!!!!!!!
zim: TUNA ... this is not worth anything
96๐ 28๐