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(part 1) izzy. the prettiest girl on the face of the earth. there is no way you didn’t fall for her cute freckled face, green eyes, and blonde hair when you first saw her. not to mention how skinny she is. she thinks she fat, but she has the perfect body that everyone is jealous of. she is probably so fit because of all the sports she plays. she plays every sport you can think of, and somehow is the best one on the team, even if it is her first time. everyone is jealous of how good she is at everything. izzy is easy to get along with because she doesn’t cause drama. she probably isn’t going to like you if you are super dramatic. izzy is one of the only girls that will have a good taste in music. she’s really good at singing, she just doesn’t know it, because she refuses to sing in front of people. she’s also pretty short, but likes to tell tall people that they are short. izzy has a lot of friends, but only about 10 close friends. if you are one of izzy’s close friends, you are lucky. izzy only will tell her secrets to those 10 friends. but izzy is really good at keeping secrets. if you told someone one of izzy’s secrets, you probably are not going to be forgiven for a long time. it takes a long time to gain an izzy’s trust, so don’t break it.

person 1: is that an angel?!
person 2: no dude, that’s izzy
person 1: i think i’m in love!

by idk_who_is_this March 2, 2019

50👍 14👎


She is a SNACK and Fine as FUCK she is hot and HER BOOTY BE POPPING she is cute and kind

MEGGIE did you see izzys booty


by Tdswufdj January 2, 2019

3👍 4👎


(part 2)

person 1: fuck i just wanna marry izzy already.

person 2: back off, i’m marrying her first.

by idk_who_is_this March 11, 2019


Funny, smart, amazing friend, hot smile, and is always there for you. She will make you smile when your sad or if you have a bad day. When your alone she slowly be there for you. She’s a sassy girl and when you see her your jaw will drop.

1#I met this girl
2#What she like
1#She’s amazing and helped me smile

2#Wow she must be an Izzy

by Love y’all328 July 12, 2018


Criminal mastermind known for her masterful tax evasion, in addition to her extreme hatred for minorities, passion for nudist beach yoga, and crippling foot fetish

“Man did you hear izzy got arrested again?”

“No way was it for armed robbery or public indecency?”

by Ttilt February 20, 2022

22👍 5👎


A majestic creature, That lives in the depths of the internet. Can usually be found fawning over nic cage or reading fan-fiction.

The great majestic being that is Izzie

by Whywoulditellyoumyname October 23, 2013

58👍 17👎


She is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, she gives the best hugs and will always make you feel loved. She is always there for you if you need it and will always try their best to help you. Even though she can be slightly awkward at times it's very adorable and give you an easy laugh. If you ever find an izzy, do not let her go. she is would be the best thing that will ever happen to you. protect her and keep her safe from others, she is very fragile. Keep izzy, keep her safe, and don't let her down. She is a great bestfriend and girlfriend.

wow, izzy is so stunning and perfect.

by woohoo8472 March 22, 2018

9👍 1👎