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warren junior high school

a school that everybody who doesn’t go there wants to go there, and everybody who goes there wants to transfer. everyone there is fake and everyone hates each other. nobody knows how to be nice and they like to make each other’s lives a living hell day after day. some of the teachers can be pretty cool while others can be bad. if you want to go here, choose wisely.

Boy #1: i want to go to warren junior high school so bad
Boy #2: believe me, you don’t.

by dogg April 8, 2018

Paul J Gelinas Junior High School

worst school ever
sexist principal
fuck you

it cant be used since its a fucked up school Paul J Gelinas Junior High School

by royal_fuck_up December 5, 2019

Northeast junior high school

Northeast is just filled with bitches who think they know it all and are fake as fuck and that are so desperate that they date the weird kid in the back.

Hey did you hear about Northeast junior high school?
Yeah I heard it’s filled with dumb white bitches

by Nickiminajisthequeenofrap pur November 21, 2021

franklinton junior high school

fjhs, is a school for 7th and 8th grade kids, it is full of drama,fights,and hot boys...grayson...lmao. fjhs is also a really good school that typically doesnt put up w/ bullying up but my time there they did bc they have favorites and are shitty

the school franklinton junior high school is a weird school

by tintinnnn February 2, 2022

Egan Junior High School

Ok ok Egan was good and all but then my crush denied my invitation ;;--;;; i asked why and she said 'bcuz ur ugly' and everyone in the school argeed. the teachers did nothing to stop bullying andmy feelnigs got hurt. they could have done a bette rjob teaching BUT nO they Didnt. :(((

Billy: Is Egan Junior High School good?
Gerald: No lol

by Kpop Pitbull360 June 2, 2021