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Social Justice Warrior

A person who feels superior towards, and dislikes, the rest of humanity; and who tries to hide that fact by claiming that it's actually everybody else who feels superior toward and dislikes others.

A good Social Justice Warrior could even make Martin Luther King Jr feel guilty about being racist!

by BohemianBrat September 5, 2015

377๐Ÿ‘ 770๐Ÿ‘Ž

Antisocial justice warrior

Often shortened to "Anti Justice Warrior" or "AJW", an "Antisocial Justice Warrior" is a person who actively fights against social justice, with the added suggestion of being antisocial.
Most AJWs tend to unironically blame all of societies problems on SJWs, even when they have little to nothing to do with the issue. They will usually then go on to not offer any advice to fix an issue, or will claim that there is no issue at all. Words like "liberal", "libtard", and "snowflake" are often on their list of most common vocabulary. In addition, they tend to point out simple mistakes or small parts of an argument while dodging the arguments basis, and act as dogmatic and forceably edgy as possible, whilst feigning innocence.
They have a tendency to swarm those with liberal and progressive views.
Although not always the case, they are known to believe that the world is against straight white men, and often lash out when witnessing a racial-minority, lgbt, or (worst yet) feminist agenda. In worst cases, they tend to push a white nationalists and alt-right narrative to fool gullible people into thinking that white heterosexual men, as well as the masculinity associated with men, are becoming a minority.

Common buzzwords for the AJW include "libtard", "snowflake", "triggered", "leftist", "modern feminism", "third-wave feminism", and "soyboy".
They are known to use projection during arguments.

I don't get how Josh talks about liberals all the time like an antisocial justice warrior, while always complaining about how the media always talks about Trump.

by RandomBro April 19, 2019

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Reactionary Justice Warrior

Reactionary Justice Warrior (commonly abbreviated RJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting reactionary white nationalist, alt-right and neo-fascist views, including right-wing identity politics, conservatism, the alt-right, white nationalist, neo-nazism etc. The accusation of being an RJW carries implications of pursuing neo-reactionary ideas and returning society to the status quo ante, the previous political state of state of society which they believe possessed characteristics (discipline, respect for authority, etc.) that are negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society. They are staunch proponents of the white genocide conspiracy theory and think men and white people are under threat and are often seen as victims. They frequently blame immigrants, minorities, gay people, transgenders and atheists for society's ills, using Scapegoat|scapegoats is their standard M.O. This type of ideology thrives off of fear-mongering, fear-tactics, and paranoia. Holocaust Denial is common among reactionary justice warriors and alt-righters alike.

The phrase originated on /leftypol/ board (leftist politically incorrect) on the image board site 8chan and other left-wing political circles. The negative connotation gained increased use, and was particularly aimed at those espousing views adhering to reactionary ideals such as conservatism, the alt-right, masculism, white nationalism, and neo-fascism as well as views deemed to be right-wing politically correct.

A bunch of stupid reactionary justice warriors coming from 4chan!

by Blaze_007 October 12, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 1031๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Justice Warrior

This term no longer means what it actually means. Social Justice can range from anything from men not working in kitchens to being racist towards white people in classrooms to "avenge African-Americans."

A Social Justice Warrior is just a serial killer who is one or two ticks away from being institutionalized.

by SeriousManMan December 28, 2017

340๐Ÿ‘ 1085๐Ÿ‘Ž

Antisocial Justice Warrior

Noun (pejorative): Someone who engages in Conservative correctness.

Counterpart to Social Justice Warrior, or "SJW." Just as likely to overreact to jokes/harass online/boycott as their more-Liberal counterparts. Examples include "#CancelColbert," the Kuerig boycott, & sending death threats to comedian Michelle Wolf.

The word "Antisocial" in this context not only describes their opposition to Social Justice Warriors, it also describes general malevolence and a refusal to adapt socially.

"Sean, ever the Antisocial Justice Warrior, set his Nikes on fire 'to own the libs.' "

by EraseAllPicturesOfRon November 2, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

social justice warrior

To simplify things, a Social Justice Warrior, or SJW, are often thought to ruin everyone's fun and free speech. They force censorship, blame crap on gamers, and other things of this nature. The SJW anthem explains this.
P.S: They're known for getting triggered.

Casual guy: I don't think the mass-shooting simulator is bad-
social justice warrior: I'M TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!one

by [PRIVATE] June 15, 2016

353๐Ÿ‘ 1501๐Ÿ‘Ž

Actual Justice Warrior

An Actual justice warrior ( AJW ) is someone who fights for BASIC LOGIC and rights for ALL people ( EVEN if they happen to be white ) because they're a person of actual moral integrity.

1) AJW : " FACTS over feelings ; I don't care if you FEEL like a deer ๐ŸฆŒ, YOU'RE NOT A DEER . You need therapy. "

2) " You can't kill them JUST cuz they're white ; that's still murder, and you're racist ."

As an Actual Justice Warrior, I actually have to back up my arguments with FACTS ( data, statics, science - xy or xx , only 2 options - etc. ) instead of just screaming and calling you racist to win an argument.

by Truthy tidbits November 27, 2020

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