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When a person only has an attraction to Kageyama Tobio

Person 1: H-hey I like you...
me: sorry, im kage-sexual

by animetidd1es January 20, 2021

Yoshi kage Kira

When your to stupid to spell Yoshikage Kira, also known as the Yoshi Cage

Yoshi Kage Kira

Bottom text

by Jjbafan September 27, 2020


Kage is the sweetest guy you'll meet. He has his problems and flaws, but he makes even those so so gorgeous. He'll make you feel like the happiest person in the world, he's like a dream. He's a spoiler, but also just likes talking to the people he's close to. He comes across as shy, and he is for a while, but he's super fun and is also very handsome. Anyone would be lucky to have him.

"Kage is the most amazing guy anyone could ask for."

by Zestyforkage May 14, 2023


Hot, intelligent, sweet, lovable, guy. Always has an amazing personality. An amazing boyfriend. Extremely helpful and caring, and considerate. You can always depend on him to be there for you and support you no matter what decision you make. Overall, an amazing guy and every other positive word you can think of. Any girl would feel lucky when they are with him.

New girl: He's amazing. His name must be Kage.

by Elena ermenagilda February 21, 2019


big dick energy

kage got big dick energy

by bdhdhdhdhhddhdhhdhdhd July 17, 2022


big dick energy

kage got big dick energy

by bdhdhdhdhhddhdhhdhdhd July 17, 2022


影はアニメを見たり漫画を読んだりするのが好きな人です 影はとても親切で親切で、彼の友達はwhatsminer(Taykshinobi.x(leonel)です 彼はイエスを愛しているので、mcxi.lolzで彼をフォローする必要があります

We love Kage

by Kage…… March 11, 2021