Source Code

Kleenex Kiss

Having a wank into a Kleenex tissue.

James: I'm not feeling too well
Ted: have a Kleenex kiss mate

by ShittyAussieDefinitions April 22, 2015

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farmer's kleenex

the act of blowing one's nose without a kleenex. this is typically done one nostril at a time by using the thumb to pinch off one nostril while blowing hard to clear out the opposite nostril. the procedure is then reversed to complete the act.

this is known, ironically, as the "farmer's kleenex" because farmers typically don't carry tissues with them in the field, so they just use this "tissue-less" method instead.

dude, i really have to blow my nose...do you have any tissues on you?

no man...looks like you'll have to use the farmer's kleenex!

by Jeff Urban (seriously, that's my real name) June 1, 2005

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Cleavage Kleenex

When you rub your dick in between a girl's cleavage (titty-fuck) and then blow so hard it shoots up her nose and then dribbles back out

"oh dude i was titty fuckin milly last night and i shot so hard i gave her a cleavage kleenex!"

by Pat-Man May 16, 2008

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rotton kleenex

this is when you blow your nose into the pussy of a girl

i was eatin this girl out, well i had a runny nose, and no kleenex or nothin, so i used the ol'rotton kleenex.

by dave offner(Dream team) January 25, 2005

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kleenex box

a cardboardish box that holds kleenexes

my mom got me a kleenex box for my birthday, shes so broke but idc lol

by atrashumanbeing:/ April 19, 2021

poptarts are not kleenex

A phrase that is seen in Google's autocomplete by simply typing "Poptarts are"

Guy 1: Dude! Come over here! I was looking up poptarts are not kleenex and i found this!
Guy 2: Neat.

by Barney The Big Fat Purple Dino January 2, 2016

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kleenex ghost

The result of jizzing into a klenex.

Kevin left a nasty kleenex ghost on his bed.

by Kswag24 December 28, 2017

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